How to Find Your Right Video Wall?

For business owners, creating an indelible first impression is critical to establishing their brand and starting the process to convert random passersby or potential clients into paying customers. Technology plays a big role in that impression and conversion process, but many business owners and managers are unsure of the best ways to implement technology into that process. Instead, they rely on static messaging – like a typical advertisement or static display – and individual contact from a representative of the company. While those old standby methods have their place, the simple fact is that any company not leading with a strong and distinct technological presence is leaving a big chunk of business behind.

That means finding a reliable and user-friendly way of integrating technology is a must. In the age of readily available and inexpensive high definition displays, the easiest answer is to put up a 1080p screen with some unique imagery and advertising content. But think about this: if one screen is good, aren’t more screens better? The answer here, of course, is yes. But the barrier of finding usable and easy-to-manage video installations becomes even more daunting than before when more screens are involved. Finding a solution that allows for simple content management through hardware – with no software, separate dedicated computers, or drivers required – is key.

What these businesses desperately need is a video wall solution. Now, that may sound a bit overwhelming, and with the wrong product, it can be. But new developments in video wall controllers are giving end users, even those who don’t have any experience with this kind of technology, the perfect option when looking to create and manage video wall solutions.

A video wall solution can be anywhere from four screens (a 2×2 configuration) to dozens and dozens of screens, depending on the application and venue. For businesses looking for more of an entry-level video wall controller, a four-screen environment should be plenty. With the right screens and some quality content, a 2×2 video wall will make for a dynamic addition to any business or store without overwhelming its audience or the person in charge of managing the display.

In particular, hardware-only solution are designed for a plug-and-play user experience. Simply plug in the input sources and HD screens to the controller, select the best configuration for the content, and it’s ready to go. For businesses searching for a leg up on their competition, a great video wall solution is the way to go.

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