Pro and Cons of Using a Malleable Iron Pipe

While malleable iron pipe fittings may sound old-fashioned next to lightweight PVC pipe, it has become valuable once more for solar heating systems, and other applications. Learn more about the pros and cons of malleable iron pipe below.


Pros of Malleable Iron Pipe


Malleable iron pipe fitting is the conduit system of choice for solar heating systems. Most solar heating systems for interior heat and hot water supplies use a dense fluid to trap solar energy. This fluid becomes much too hot for PVC pipes to tolerate, but malleable iron pipe is ideal to transport it. All the fittings of a solar heat system can be made of malleable iron pipe. Malleable iron pipe fitting is also best for cold water plumbing, as it retains its shape in the coldest conditions. Malleable iron is used for galvanized pipe fittings and can be zinc coated for rust and corrosion prevention prior to installation in a plumbing system.


Cons of Malleable Iron Pipe


Malleable iron pipe fitting without a galvanized zinc coating is unsuitable for factories and fluid transport facilities located near ocean and lake docks. It can rust and corrode on exposure to salt and other waterborne minerals. Heavy malleable iron pipe has been replaced by PVC for household plumbing.


If you need more information about malleable iron pipe fittings, visit the website of Golden Highope: to find pipe fittings you need.



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Self-Tapping Screws: How They Work and How to Use Them

When looking for fastening solutions, one common solution to use for routinely maintained products is self tap screws.


What Is A Self Tapping Screw?


Self tapping screws are fasteners that are designed to drill their own hole as they are screwed into wood, plastic or metal. By using a screw driver and self-tapping screws, precisely fitted threads are created. Self tap screws are ideal for items that require regular maintenance and work well when working with two different kinds of material being fastened together.


These screws either come with a blunt, flat, sharp or piercing tip. Sharp-tipped self tapping screws drill their own holes in softer wood and plastic. However, it is helpful to drill a pilot hole when working with harder material. When drilling a pilot hole, make sure to use a smaller bit than the screw so it may still serve its purpose.


What material is involved can help determine what type of self tap screw will work best. There are two types: thread-forming and thread-cutting. Thread-forming screws are usually used when working with plastics. Thread-forming screws are designed to stay in place tightly, but over tightening the screw could result in materials breaking under too much pressure. Thread-cutting screws are used mostly when working with metal and wood. One drawback to using thread-cutting screws is that the threads may strip if the application is disassembled. This prevents reuse of the fastener and requires a new, slightly larger self tapping screw when it is time to reassemble.


However, there is a solution to prevent stripping. A metal insert can be installed from the beginning that would allow the self tapping screw to be regularly fastened and unfastened. These metal inserts also work to help minimize stress and expand as the fastener is screwed in.


Just like other types of fasteners, self tapping screws are available in all shapes and sizes and are also available in numerous different head types. When choosing the right self-tapping screw for any given application, it is important to consider the length of the screw tip. In order for the screws to serve their purpose and work properly, the screw must be drilled fully into the material before threading can begin.


Although self tapping screws are typically more in terms of price, they can help cut down on time and labor costs and combine the steps of drilling and fastening.


To learn more about where to find high quality self tap screws, please visit Fu Yeh, the professional screw manufacturer in the industry.



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What Is A Tap Reseating Tool?

Tap reseating tools are plumbing tools used to repair water taps. They are hand tools, but there are attachments available that adapt them for use with a drill. There are two different designs of tap reseating tool, but the variation does not affect performance. They are for use on different tap designs.


Tap reseaters are used to fix one of the possible causes of a leaking tap. A leaking tap can be caused by multiple things and is dependent on the type of tap you have. A leaking tap is most commonly caused by general wear and tear of its parts.


Tap reseating tools repair compression washer taps. The flow of water from a compression washer tap is stopped and started by the movement of a rubber stopper (washer) against a hole (seat) inside the tap body. Tap reseating tools repair the seat of a tap.


What Is A Tap Reseating Tool Used For?


Tap reseaters fix that leaking tap that gets on everyone’s nerves. There are several things that can cause a dripping tap such as a damaged seat. A damaged seat can be easily fixed using a tap reseating tool.


The tap seat is subject to constant use. It is directly below the washer, which is moved up and down every time a tap is used. This movement, along with its constant contact with water, wears down the seat and causes corrosion.


The tap seat is especially delicate in hard water areas where lime scale can build up. The tap reseater can be used a number of times to grind down the seat, but eventually the whole tap will need to be replaced.


Tap reseating tools can also be used for repairing stopcocks in the same way they repair taps. Stopcocks are used to turn off the water supply to internal outlets.


How Does A Tap Reseating Tool Work?


A worn down or built-up seat causes unevenness. This means that when the washer is down there may be room for water to trickle through; causing a drip.


The tap reseating tool grinds away any unevenness on the seat so that it is smooth. This means that the washer is able to sit flush on the seat and there are no gaps for water to pass through.


Where to Find Excellent Tap Reseating Tools?


I recommend one manufacturer to you – that’s Maxclaw Tools Co., Ltd. The company specializes in kinds of tube tools, including tap reseating tools, tube cutting tools, tube bending tools, flaring tools, deburring tools, etc.


If you need more information about tap reseaters, please do not hesitate to check out their website. Find ideal tube tools at Maxclaw.



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How to Disconnect a Galvanized Pipe Fitting

Contemporary plumbers use copper and CPVC pipes to plumb residential water lines, but it’s still common to find galvanized steel water pipes in older homes and outdoor water lines. Galvanized pipes come in diameters from 1/2 inch to 8 inches, with 2-inch and larger pipes normally reserved for industrial use. The threaded pipes connect with threaded fittings. When you need to remove a fitting, you sometimes have your work cut out for you.


Single-Port Fittings

The concept with single-port fittings is simple: tighten your wrench around a spigot or cap connected to a galvanized pipe, and turn it counterclockwise to remove it. The reality is seldom that simple, however, because you will usually find the fitting rusted in place. At the very least, you’ll have to hold the pipe steady with one pipe wrench while you turn the fitting with another. You will need muscle power, too – lots of it. Once you get the fitting to move, the rest is easy, but you sometimes need to augment your best efforts with spray lubricant to accomplish removal.


Two-Port Fittings

Disconnecting a fitting with two ports, like a coupling or elbow, presents a dilemma. The question becomes how to loosen the fitting from one pipe without tightening it onto the other. The answer is that, to loosen the fitting from one pipe, you must first cut it loose from the other. You can cut through galvanized pipe with a hacksaw, but the job goes much faster if you use a reciprocating saw with a metal-cutting blade. Don’t forget to turn the water off before you cut into the pipe, or you’ll be dealing with an uncontrollable spray. You risk a scalding if the water is hot.


Tees and Crosses

The procedure for removing multiple-port fittings like tees and crosses is similar to disconnecting double-port fittings. You must cut all the pipes connected to the fitting but one. Making two cuts on each pipe to remove a small section gives you the clearance you need to turn the fitting. If you plan to replace the fitting, you’ll also have to replace the cut pipes, and replacing one extra pipe isn’t much more work. Therefore, it’s usually more expedient to simply cut all the pipes rather than trying to unscrew the fitting, which is probably locked onto the threads anyway.


Disassembling a Pipe System

When you assemble a system of galvanized pipes, you begin at one end and screw on pipes and fittings in order until you reach the other end. Disassembling the system is the reverse procedure, but you need a free end from which to start. That means cutting through at least one pipe unless there is a union somewhere in the system that you can take apart. When disassembling a system of old pipes that they won’t reuse, plumbers usually don’t go to the trouble of unscrewing them. They simply cut them apart with a reciprocating saw.


By the way, when mentioned galvanized pipe fittings, you maybe think where I can find them? The pipe fittings manufacturer that I recommend you is Golden Highope.


Golden Highope Industrial Inc. Ltd. offers galvanized and malleable iron pipe fittings, their products are designed, manufactured and shipped in compliance with API, ASTM, JIS, DIN, DAN, SMS and many other international quality standards from the spectroscopic tested. MECH is a China well-known brand of galvanized / malleable pipe fittings, which divided into two different series, American standard and British standard.


Learn more specifications of galvanized pipe fittings, welcome to visit Golden Highope’s website: Feel free to send inquiry to them.



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What Are The Different Types of Directional Control Valve?

In this article, I will list down the advantages and disadvantages of sliding spool and poppet valve.


Types of Directional Control Valves:

Sliding Spool, Poppet / Diagram, Rotary Spool, Rotary Disc, Slide.


Here, I only introduce Sliding Spool Valve and Poppet Valve. Let’s learn more information about them below:


Sliding Spool Valves


Sliding spool valves are the most common directional control valves used in transmission of pneumatic power to the actuator. They are available in various forms and sizes.




The main advantages of spool valves with seals are:


  1. Simple maintenance.
  2. Fully balanced spool design allowing air to be without creating spool movement.
  3. Relatively simple to attach controls.
  4. Stroke limiters can be used.
  5. Available in suitable forms.
  6. Connected to any port




The main disadvantages of spool valves with seals are:


  1. Larger body size.
  2. Higher wear rates.
  3. Require lubrication.
  4. Continuous leakage.
  5. Not suitable for high pressure applications.
  6. Slower response time.
  7. Require a better quality air.


Poppet Valves


Poppet valves come in a wide variety of forms and are the most useful valve in pneumatic services. It can be used as the pilot section of a solenoid controlled valve. Poppet valve construction varies in accordance with the valve function and flow requirements.




The main advantages of poppet valves are:


  1. Can operate with lubricant free air.
  2. Can operate with inferior quality air.
  3. Leak free.
  4. Low wear.
  5. High flow rates.
  6. Rapid response.




  1. Cannot be serviced.
  2. Not suited to reverse porting.
  3. Relatively high operating forces.
  4. Air loss during change over.


If you need more information about directional control valves, I recommend that you can visit the website of ASHUN.


Ashun Fluid Power Co., Ltd. is a well-known manufacturer of specializing in kinds of hydraulic valves and hydraulic cylinders. Learn more details about directional control valves, please feel free to check out Ashun’s product pages and send inquiry to them.



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Sanitary Ball Valve Overview

The sanitary ball valve is a valve with a spherical disc, the part of the valve which controls the flow through it. The sphere has a hole, or port, through the middle so that when the port is in line with both ends of the valve, flow will occur. When the valve is closed, the hole is perpendicular to the ends of the valve, and flow is blocked.  The handle or lever will be in line with the port position letting you see the valve’s position. The ball valve along with the butterfly valve and plug valve, are part of the family of quarter turn valves.


Using ball valves in sanitary applications has some pluses and minuses. Perhaps the greatest benefit of using sanitary ball valves is that they usually work to achieve perfect shutoff even after years of disuse. They are therefore an excellent choice for shutoff applications and are often preferred to sanitary butterfly valves, diaphragm valves or seat valves. They do not offer the fine control that may be necessary in throttling applications but are sometimes used for this purpose. The other big advantage ball valves have is that they are the highest pressure rated sanitary valves on the market.


Principles of Operation


Sanitary ball valves, as the name implies, have a ball with a hole drilled through the center swivel mounted with the valve body. When the hole in the ball is oriented in the same direction as the pipe, this will result in full flow rate. As the hole in the ball is oriented away from the direction of the pipe, the flow rate will be restricted and finally cut off completely when the hole is oriented 90 degrees to the pipe direction.




Like sanitary butterfly valves, most sanitary ball valves can be highly automated.  Ball valves are offered with stainless steel actuators for all sizes.  There are different switch packages available which to mount to the actuators. Double rack and pinion pneumatic actuators are the standard for ball valves, because they are ¼ turn valves.  Also the same as the butterfly valves, ball valves have a large offering of different ¼ turn actuators on the market.


Other Features and Benefits


Many different manufacturers offer their version of a ball valve although the operational features are very similar. In the market of ball valves there are many different alternative choices so that potential customers are easily able to find another choice. For this reason it is important to decipher a customer’s needs for the application at hand. This will make it possible to choose the one that will be a quality performer at a good price.


Like the butterfly valve, a ball valve is available in 316 as well as AL6XN and Titianium material. This type of construction material is not available with all manufacturers, as well as, it can be difficult to find MTRs and C of C’s to go along with the desired valve.  There are multiple handle styles that are offered with the ball valve as well, such as, pull stop with a locking mechanism and trigger handles. Ball valves have the luxury of coming with many different connection styles in order to be able to fit into a customized sanitation process line.


Are Sanitary Ball Valves Really Clean?


As we discussed with the butterfly valve. What is considered “sanitary” is relative to each end user. The fact that sanitary ball valves are constructed of 316 stainless steel, have FDA approved elastomers and have Tri-clamp or tube OD butt weld ends puts them in the sanitary realm. But you really cannot truly clean it in place. Ball valves have cavities and crevices behind the ball that gather product when the valve in being actuated. These areas do not get clean during CIP. To truly clean the valve, you have to take it apart.  Even with newer designs of ball valves having FDA approved cavity fillers to help limit product build up on the inside of the vale it is inevitable that product will still accumulate around the outside of the ball and orifices. Because of the sanitary ball valve do not carry the 3A rating.


TARGET VALVE is the professional valves manufacturer in Taiwan. You can find a variety of valve products on their website. Such as 1 pc ball valve, economic ball valves, flanged ball valves, multiway ball valves, and sanitary ball valves etc. Learn more details, welcome to check out their website and feel free to contact them directly.



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Pull Studs: Importance of Selection and Maintenance

Pull stud is the tension part between the principal spindle of the boring milling CNC machine tool and the tool holder. It is also called pull head, connecting pull head, thread pull head, tool holder pull head, tool holder pull stud, tool holder joint, fastening pull stud and tool holder tensioner, etc. Due to its small volume and low value, its importance in work is easily neglected by people. To better develop the role of the lathe, it is necessary to have a understanding about the pull stud and lathe tension mechanism.


Pull Stud Stand and Its Combination:


Pull Stud Is The Spare Part Fixed At The Tail End Of Various Tool Holders Through Thread.


The tension mechanism inside the principle spindle of the lathe tensions the tool holder in the principal spindle by use of it. The tensioning is maintained by replying on a group of springs. After tension is realized, the prolapse of tool holder and tool from the high-speed rotary principal shaft can be avoided sufficiently.


Pull stud is designed according to the standards of tool holder and related part of the lather. Due to the various standards for the tool holder, the lather tension mechanism also differs. Therefore, the united standards cannot be formed for the pull studs. Sometimes, the two ends of the pull studs live up to certain standard (like ANSI, DIN, ISO or JMTBA). However, sometimes, the mixture form (the thread part is adapted to the tool holder part of ISO standard while the pull stud head is also adapted to the lather of ANSI. In this case, such mixture combination can bring about a lot of different pull studs) also exist. In case of inappropriate selection of pull studs, the accident will be caused when using the tool holder after it is installed in the tool holder.


Selection of Pull Stud:


Facing Various Pull Studs, How to Find Out The Specification And Type You Need?


It is better to select the pull studs according to the instruction of the lather. The drawing or type of the pull stud will be given out in the instructions of lather by most lather manufacturer. Additionally, the determination can be made after measuring the pull studs for the lather. Most pull studs are of 10-12 dimensions. It is necessary to provide the details to the supplier in case of ordering. However, the attentions should be especially paid to main three parts: namely the angle of pull stud, the distance from the base level to this angle and the thread type. These three dimensions are easily measured. If a national lather (Actually, the taper hole of the principal spindle is British system dimension, it is just labeled by changing it into the metric unit) and a batch of tool holders of British system taper are bought for a workshop. As for the pull studs, the thread is labeled with America system (adapted to the tool holder), the metric system shall be used for other dimensions and adapted to tension mechanism of lathe.


If you are looking for pull studs manufacturer, Shin-Yain Industrial Co., Ltd. is a wonderful choice! This company is a well-known tool holders manufacturing expert in Taiwan. Shin-Yain can offer a variety of tool holders, collet chucks, pull studs, and shrink fits to you. More details, try to check out Shin-Yain’s website: to gain you need.



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When to Use Swing Check vs Wafer Check Valve

When it comes to check valves, swing checks and wafer checks are actually similar in many ways. Both serve to block back flow from occurring in a pipe line. Both use a swinging disc to block and allow flow in one direction. The differences in the two valves may seem obvious when you look at them, but many users don’t realize the difference it might make in their application.


Wafer check valves get their name from their wafer thin design. These valves are sleek and made to fit in tight spaces between two flanges. There are no controls on this valve. The main component of the valve is a swinging disc in the center that opens in one direction and closes if liquids flow back the other direction.


Swing check valves, as the name implies, also uses a swinging disc to allow or block flow. The difference between the two is in the body design. Swing check valves are not designed for extremely tight spaces like the wafer check. They have molded bodies around the area where the disc opens up. This is the most important difference between the two types of valve.


While at first glance this may just seem like a space issue, the presence of a valve body as opposed to the bare bones wafer check actually makes a big difference in the functionality of the valve. Because wafer check valves are flanged in place, there isn’t much room for the disc to open in the pipe line. That means flow is often restricted with a wafer check valve.


Swing check valves on the other hand, have a molded body that creates room for the disc to swing open fully, thus allowing full flow. As you can imagine, this is immensely important if your application requires full flow. For this reason, we recommend wafer check valves for applications where flow is not an issue, and swing check valves when a full port valve is required.


You can easily find a reputed and well-known provider of these different types of valves on the internet such as the NICO VALVES CORP. This company always offers the best quality wafer check valves and other valves to you. Learn more information about valves, try to check out NICO’s website here:



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When Is Ultrasonic Polishing Equipment Justified?

Ultrasonic polishing is ideal and justifiable when work on small to very small details is required.


Manual polishing is a very tedious process, and in particular very small intricate detail work requires additional effort and patience. Ultrasonic lapping machines, available now for quite some time, have been improved in recent years to effectively replace certain time-consuming and costly small detail hand finishing work.


Ultrasonic Unit Features

By comparison to conventional die profilers, as well as air-powered lapping machines that may have a stroke length of up to ¼ inch, the reciprocating action of an ultrasonic unit ranges only from .00004 to .00012 inches. However, the extremely fast reciprocating tool motion of 21,000 and up to 25,000 strokes per second provides the extra productivity and gives the polisher complete fingertip control when finishing even the most intricate ridges, slots and details.


Ultrasonic systems usually consist of an electronic power module (110 or 220 volt) with a slender electric cord that powers the lightweight and easy to manipulate small, ultrasonic handpiece. Commonly, an automatic power feed system in the module adjusts the frequency required to accommodate the various individual abrasive tools that are installed for the finishing process. The systems are equipped with numerous clamps that will accommodate tools ranging from small diamond files to conventional type polishing stones and/or ceramic stones and laps.


As with all other power tools, great care and attention should be given when working with ultrasonic machines. Because of the ultra-fast motion, tools that are overly aggressive (especially coarse diamond files, etc.) should never be used. Surfaces that must be flawless can easily be scratched and made wavy or damaged.


On the other hand, dense/hard, fine grit ceramic or vitrified abrasive polishing stones or laps made of brass and cast iron when used with premium diamond compound, permit the beginner to acquire a better understanding of the fast cutting powers these ultrasonic systems offer. Note: Only the most experienced operator should use diamond files or diamond stones for ultrasonic polishing.


Ultrasonic Applications

We need to stay objective and remind ourselves that ultrasonic polishing is not for everyone. Frequently, ultrasonic systems are perceived to take care of all polishing problems. This is not so. Ultrasonic polishing is not a cure-all for every mold and die shop that does in-house polishing. There are many polishing professionals and/or mold shops—doing mostly mid-size to large work—that may not require an ultrasonic system. In many instances, the units are simply not practical for mid-size to large type work and ultrasonic systems are not recommended to be used on larger details and surfaces exceeding a 3/8-inch square.


Nevertheless, ultrasonic finishing has its place in a polishing environment and it is not overstated to say that in some instances the cost of one ultrasonic system may be recouped by polishing three to four multiple cavity/core molds. For instance, an experienced individual, when working with an ultrasonic polishing machine on very small details, may reduce finishing time by as much as 40 percent and up to 65 percent.


In the past, there have been several good, but very expensive ultrasonic systems on the market. The name of one system may differ from the other, yet they all practically evolved from one source. However, several new models, which have been recently developed and have proved to be highly effective, as well as very affordable for even the smallest mold shop or polishing house, are now available in the marketplace.


Ultrasonic Advantages

Ultrasonic units with super-fast, very short strokes, provide virtual unrestricted fingertip control. By comparison, regular reciprocating tools—such as air-driven or electric flexible shaft-operated die profilers—are more restrictive in movement and less flexible to handle.


Nevertheless, die profilers and/or various other filing machines are great for medium to large mold details and when used at a comfortable speed range and proper stroke lengths they will provide excellent finishing capabilities.


Ultrasonic polishing is ideal and justifiable when work on small to very small details is required. It is safe to say that the smaller, more intricate or precise the finishing work needs to be, and/or the harder the materials are which require finishing, the more likely it is that an ultrasonic unit will improve polishing time. Subsequently, complicated heat-treated molds and dies, carbide dies or inserts and detailed punches with fine edges and very narrow slots machined by EDM are perfect for using ultrasonic polishing systems.


It should be mentioned here that there are other advantages that make certain ultrasonic systems a practical purchase. Meaning, various models offer dual operating capabilities where the electronic power module not only has the ability to drive the ultrasonic handpiece, but also regulate the speed and rotational direction for a variety of rotary and/or reciprocating hand tools. Having these secondary functions presents additional cost savings over single function ultrasonic units as they permit a full range of filing/reciprocating capabilities as well as rotational grinding/polishing using mounted points, burs, polishing brushes and felt bobs. Furthermore, since the rotary or reciprocating hand tools are powered with internal DC motors, the thin electrical cord provides more freedom of movement when compared to flexible shaft powered tools.



When selecting a supplier for this type of equipment it is most prudent to purchase from a respectable company that has been around for many years, offers good customer service and has some experience in ultrasonic polishing, which can be passed on to the customer, even via the telephone.


I think Best Diamond Industrial Co., Ltd. will be the most excellent choice. Besdia supplies high quality ultrasonic lapping machine and much more tools for you. Learn more information about Besida, welcome to check out the website here:



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Beginners Guide To The Impact Wrench

If you’ve ever experienced trying to loosen a large, fretted or corroded fixing, then you’ll appreciate what I’m about to say. Often working in tight spaces or at awkward angles, nuts and bolts can be extremely difficult and time consuming to fit or remove. Skinned knuckles, broken tools and jobs taking hours longer than you’d planned, all contribute to the frustration that nuts and bolts cause on a daily basis for people across the world. Even experienced professionals, such as fitters and mechanics, will experience these problems on a regular basis.


The solution? Well, there are a number of factors to consider, but the most important is the force you apply to the fixing. Without adequate force, the fixing will either be under tightened (under torqued) or simply won’t come undone. Secondly, and this is particularly important for busy professionals, the time taken to fit or remove a fixing can be painstakingly long if it is in a hard to reach position. Similarly, the time taken up by repetitive jobs, like removing and refitting vehicle wheels, can really add up over the course of a day and eat into your profit margin or your family’s patience.


Using an impact wrench solves both these problems. It is capable of delivering a much larger force than you can apply by hand, without additional leverage, and it greatly speeds up the tightening and loosening of fixings, especially those that are hard to reach. So, if you can relate to what I said earlier, you’ll want to read on.


What Is An Impact Wrench And How Does It Work?

An impact wrench is used to aid the tightening and loosening of nuts and bolts by reducing the effort required by the user and increasing the speed at which fixings can be tightened or loosened. There are a variety of different types on the market but they all work in fundamentally the same way. Essentially, they apply a rotational force (or torque) in short bursts (or impacts). They are driven by a motor which is powered by air, mains electricity, or battery (usually referred to as a “cordless impact wrench”).


Because the force is applied in short bursts, the user is able to apply a much larger torque to the fixing than they would use a regular wrench; sometimes with only one hand. This greatly reduces the effort required by the user, which results in less fatigue and fewer injuries or strains. The time required to complete a task is also reduced meaning that the user can finish the job faster and, in the case of a business, generate greater revenue and profit.


Which Type Is Right For Me?

Of the 3 different types of impact wrench, air, electric and cordless, each has its advantages over the others. Originally, only the air impact wrench was available and used mainly by professional and race mechanics to quickly remove and refit wheel nuts (lug nuts). Depending on the model, air tools are powerful, fast and robust making them ideal for use in a professional environment. However, they do require a large volume, high pressure air supply to operate and regular maintenance, which means they aren’t really suitable for infrequent or home use. And, as they’re attached to the compressed air supply by an airline, it can be difficult to move them around a workspace.


The corded electric impact wrench is also powerful and fast (again, depending on the model) but is less robust than the equivalent air tool. It too is attached by a cord making it difficult to move around a workspace and, of course, it cannot be used in the absence of a mains electricity supply. However, it can be less expensive than an air or cordless impact wrench, making it an attractive choice for home use.


Perhaps the most sought after, particularly in recent years as the technology has improved, and are cordless (battery powered) impact wrenches. The more expensive, higher voltage units deliver performance approaching that of an equivalent air tool but without the additional infrastructure. They are also completely portable and the absence of a cord means they can be moved easily around a workspace and used in hard to access areas. Unfortunately, they are often the most expensive and can be relatively heavy due to the weight of the battery packs.


At present, air impact wrenches remain the most popular with professional mechanics. But, as technology continues to improve, the cordless impact wrench will become increasingly popular, less expensive, and ultimately dominate the market.


Kspark International Ltd. is the company of specializing in a variety of impact wrenches including heavy duty impact wrench series, super heavy duty impact wrench series and angle heavy duty impact wrenches. If you have any interest in impact wrench, try to check out Kspark’s website to see the full specification of each product and find the ideal one you need. More details, click here:



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