Overview of Cast Aluminum Heaters

Cast aluminum heaters or cast-in heaters are an essential component for all plastics extrusion machinery. Extruder barrel & die heaters are made of aluminum or bronze. Stringent machining tolerances on the inside working surface and high quality heating element construction guarantee high performance.


Cast aluminum heaters offer a high quality and efficient method of heating and controlling Extruders, Compression Molding Platens, Heat Sealers, and Vacuum Forming Platens.


The heat cool capabilities of cast-in heaters provide high accuracy temperature control of +/- 2º.


These precision cast aluminum heaters are available in various sizes and watt densities ranging from 10 t0 60 watts per square inch.


They are pressure casted insuring a dense porosity free casting that can been supplied with either cooling fins or seamless stainless steel cooling tubes that guarantee longer life.


They can be casted into any shape and size needed, thus fully covering the part to be heated and virtually becoming the part itself. Most Cast In heat cool bands are made to customer specifications, but standard sizes are available out of stock.


Cast aluminum heaters are contamination and corrosion resistant and can with stand high temperature and pressures in harsh environments with years of trouble free service.


Cast Aluminum Heaters – Cast-In Heaters Features:


  • High operating temperatures
  • Liquid cooling or air-cooling fins
  • Any size or shape available
  • Pressure casted ensures porosity free high density casting
  • Extremely ruled and resistant to damage
  • Precise and accurate control of temperature due to heat cool action
  • High watt densities available


Cast Aluminum Heaters – Cast-In Heaters Applications:


  • Plastics Extrusion Machinery
  • Hot Melt-Glue Pots
  • Blown Film Dies
  • Runnerless Molding-Plastics
  • Textile Industry
  • Commercial Food Service
  • Hot Stamp and Die Heating



Cast In Heaters Specifications:


  • Size – As required any size possible
  • Voltage – 120, 240, 480, or 600 volts
  • Phase – Single or Three phase available
  • Termination’s – Leads, Terminal Boxes, Screw/Threaded Studs
  • Machining Tolerance – 005″ Standard 2
  • Wattage – Aluminum Up to 35 W/in2, Bronze Up to 50 W/in
  • Maximum Temperature – Aluminum 700ºF, Bronze 1400ºF
  • Options – Holes, Grooves, Notches, Cutouts, Available


If you want to learn more information about cast aluminum heaters, welcome to check out the product pages of CT Heater & Instrument Co., Ltd… They are the professional manufacturer of kinds of heaters. Through email or telephone to contact them to obtain details you need.


Article Source: http://www.process-controls.com/hcs/cast_in_heaters.html

Fixed vs. Variable Displacement Vane Pumps

A hydraulic drive system uses a pressurized fluid to deliver force to distant machinery. Each system has several common components; the most universal is the hydraulic pump. The pump’s purpose is to pressurize the hydraulic fluid so that it will travel down the line and perform work on the other side. In an ‘open loop’ system, the fluid is drawn from a reserve tank, and deposited into the same tank after it has done its work. In a ‘closed loop’ system, the fluid is brought directly back to the hydraulic pump after passing through a hydraulic filter.


Fixed Displacement Pumps

A fixed-displacement pump has a set flow rate — every stroke of the motor moves the same amount of fluid. Fixed-displacement pumps are


  • Simple
  • Relatively inexpensive
  • Easier to maintain


The simplest type of fixed-displacement pump is the gear pump, in which the hydraulic fluid is pushed by rotating gears. In some models, the gears are sequential; in the quieter and more efficient version, the gears are interlocking. Another common variation is the screw pump, which uses the classic Archimedes screw, which looks much like a drill bit, to move the fluid. They have the advantage of providing a high rate of flow at relatively low pressures.


Variable Displacement Pumps

In a variable displacement vane pump, the flow rate and outlet pressure can be changed as the pump operates. This results in pumps that are


  • More complex
  • More expensive
  • Capable of doing a wider variety of jobs


The most common type of variable-displacement pump is the rotary vane pump, which is a variation of the gear pump in which the ‘gear’ is offset and the ‘cogs’ aren’t fixed, but rather extend and retract as the gear turns, allowing the pump to increase the pressure of the fluid by compacting it as it pushes the fluid through. The top-tier pumps, however, are bent-axis piston-and-cylinder pumps, much like the ones that are used in an internal combustion engine.


Simple, fixed-displacement pumps are perfect for single jobs that need to be repeated indefinitely over long periods of time; variable displacement vane pumps can be used to power a wider variety of tools, but require more expense and more attention.


As the outstanding hydraulic pump supplier, Anson always follows our policy “Technology upgrading, quality insistence, comprehensive service “. Anson committed to provide high quality vane pumps for customers, including intra vane fixed displacement vane pump, variable displacement vane pump, and power mini-pack unit and so on products.


If you need more information about variable vane pump and hydraulic pumps, welcome to visit Anson’s website to obtain further details.



Article Source: http://peerlessengineering.com/blog/hydraulic-pumps-fixed-vs-variable-displacement/

Premium Stainless Steel Coil Importers

There are a number of stainless steel coil importers around the world but fact of the matter is that there are only a few that are available to be contact online. If you are a 21st century construction specialist, you will be happy to know that there are a few of these stainless steel coil importers that have websites and online catalogs of their products they sell. You can now contact them directly from their sites. What you need to understand is that while contacting them, there may be a few indirect contractors which will attempt to contact you as well. These are the jacks of the construction world and you need to ensure that you can find a way around them. They work with the sole intention of commission profits and turn out to be expensive and not trustworthy in the long run.


If you are earnestly interested in finding places from where you can get stainless steel coil importers that are reputed and offer the best of services, you are requested to scout the market effectively so as to find ones that can offer you the best of prices along with affordability. Keep searching for new and upcoming stainless steel coil importers to help you get the best available rates in the market. Remember, there are a few importers that are in the business for the sole intention of swindling you off your hard earned money. It is therefore advised that you seek the best of ways via which you can ascertain the legitimacy of the place from where you are making your procurements.


Taiwan stainless steel company, Stanch, is the superior stainless steel coil manufacturer in the industry, specializing in stainless steel products including stainless steel coils, stainless steel strips, stainless steel plates and more.


The stainless steel coils are made with different grades of stainless steel to meet various needs of clients. You can try to find full spec on Stanch’s website, and if you need further details please feel free to contact STANCH.



Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4902261

Bad Valve Seals and Piston Rings Symptoms & Replacement Cost

This discussion is about the symptoms of bad valve seals and piston rings as well as their basic functions and common cost of replacement. Valve seals and piston rings are crucial for the functionality of your engine. If you can recognize the signs of when these components have problems, then you can replace them right away before serious damage is done to your engine.


Functions of Piston Rings


The piston is located inside of a car’s engine. The piston ring comes in the form of a split type ring and you install it outside of the piston’s diameter. The piston ring’s main purpose is to assist in sealing the combustion chamber, manage the oil consumption of the engine, and to assist in transferring heat to the engine from the piston. It is important to note that the piston ring will eventually get worn out, which means you’ll have to replace it. You should go to a professional mechanic to have this replacement job done.


Functions of Valve Seals


After air and fuel are mixed together, valves are there to manage how much of the mixture flows through the cylinders before the combustion process takes place. Valves usually have sleeves on them which prevent the combustion gasses from seeping out of them. The tops of the valves also have seals on them which prevent oil from getting pulled down into the engine area. These seals are commonly constructed out of a super strength rubber material and they’re placed into a small collar of the valve stem’s top area. Once these valve seals start to get worn out, you’ll notice some major symptoms that are unique to this problem.


The Symptoms of Bad Valve Seals and Piston Rings


The symptoms of bad valve seals and bad piston rings are quite similar. Any time either one of them fails, the performance of the vehicle will be reduced along with other bad symptoms that are noticeable. Let’s take a look at some warning signs which might indicate that you have bad valve seals or piston rings.


  • Exhaust Smoke – If you notice thick smoke that’s a gray or white color, this indicates that your car is burning oil. The only way this could happen is if the oil is leaking into the combustion chamber of your engine.


  • Too Much Oil Being Consumed – If the piston rings are worn out and the valve seal is broken, this will be what allows oil to flow into the combustion chamber.


  • Not Enough Accelerating Power – When there is damage to the piston rings and valve seals, the compression will be reduced which causes you to lose power in your engine. As a result, you won’t be able to accelerate when you put your foot on the gas pedal.


Although bad valve seals and piston rings have similar symptoms, the time and costs of repairing them are quite different. That is why you should educate yourself about where the problem is coming from, whether it’s the valve seals or piston rings. Once you find out, you can save time and money from having a mechanic figure it out for you.


To investigate where the problem is coming from, there are a few tips you can follow which will help you out with this. You can open the spark plug, fill up the cylinder with some oil, do a compression test, remove the EFI fuse and crank the engine, and then see the result of the compression gauge. If the result of the compression test appears to be good or at least average, then the piston rings are likely the problem. However, if the results of the compression test are low or under average, then the valve seals are the problem.


Replacement Cost of Piston Rings


When replacing piston rings, the cost will be determined by several factors. The make and model of your vehicle is one example. You also have to consider the type of engine that’s in your car and the condition of it. Most mechanics are going to charge around $1,500 minimum to perform this job. Some may even charge as much as $2,500. The reason this replacement job is so expensive is because it is a complicated task. The engine of the vehicle has to be completely disassembled first and then the cylinders of the vehicle have to be reconditioned. After that, the car gets reassembled using all the parts that were taken off originally. Only an experienced mechanic can perform this task, which is a very long and intense project that takes several hours to do.


Replacement Cost of Valve Seals

If you have discovered there is damage to your valve seals, then have an auto technician install new oil seals. The cost of this replacement job will be between $900 and $1,800, depending on the make and model of your vehicle. The process of replacing the valve seals requires disassembling the entire engine until you can reach the valve spring. Take off the cylinder head cover, the spark plugs, pushrods, and rocker arms. The amount of time this will take depends on the make and model of your vehicle. Sometimes the technician may have trouble with this job, so they’ll dismantle and remove the cylinder head. Then they’ll use a cylinder kit as a replacement which contains a cylinder head gasket.




There are lots of reasons why damage can occur to valve seals and piston rings. But if you regularly maintain your vehicle and get it serviced, then the damage to these components will be minimal. Vehicles that are maintained poorly or have high mileage are prime candidates for having damaged valve seals and piston rings.


If you are interested in learning more information about valve seals, try to visit the website of AOK Valve Stem Seals Ltd. AOK is a Taiwan local company of specializing in producing bonded seals, O-rings, and valve stem oil seals. Feel free to contact AOK you will obtain the details you need.



Article Source: http://cartreatments.com/valve-seals-and-piston-rings-symptoms-replacement-cost/

Powerful CN-70CL Pneumatic Clinch Nailer in APACH Industrial

Are you often annoyed from having no ideal pneumatic coil nailers? I can recommend you to visit the website of Apach, the leading nailer guns manufacturer in the industry. Apach’s products are durable and can endure under harsh working environments, and therefore are highly recognized and sought-after by professionals worldwide.


Today, I will show you the latest product Apach produces – CN-70CL Pneumatic Clinch Nailer.


CN-70CL Pneumatic Clinch Nailers

Speciality Tools

Apach CN-70CL Pneumatic Clinch Nailer with ergonomic design shows you its powerful, rapid nailing performance. No matter industrial use or DIY, it will be the most suitable air tool for you.


Now, try to check out Apach’s website to understand the advantages of CN-70CL Air Clinch Nailer.




176 Industrial 9th Rd, Tali Dist., Taichung City, Taiwan 41280

TEL: +886 -4-24915576

FAX: +886- 4-24915580

E-mail: info@apach.com.tw

Understand More Information About Gearedmotors

Adding a gear-train to the output of any motor will reduce the speed, while simultaneously increasing torque. Gearing can be added to any type of motor. There is no need to waste time designing a geartrain and sourcing all the parts. Chances are, there is a gearmotor solution that you can drop right into your design.


Gear train construction ranges from simple plastic drive-trains for toys to beefy metal gear-trains for extra-high-torque applications. Gear trains can be mated to brushed or brushless DC motors as well as steppers. Gear-train modules in a variety of gear ratios are available to fit standard NEMA sized steppers.



  • Robot Drive Trains
  • Radio Control Vehicles
  • Cordless Tools



  • Speed Reduction – Many DC motors simply run too fast to be useful in direct-drive applications.
  • Increased Torque – A lot of work can be coaxed from a relatively small motor if fitted with a suitable gear train.



The potential downsides of adding a gear train to a motor include:


  • Friction – This is especially a problem with low-cost plastic gear trains used with low-voltage motors. The extra resistance can make these gear-trains balky at low speeds.
  • Inertia – This is more of a problem with metal gear-trains. All that additional rotating mass can inhibit rapid acceleration.
  • Backlash – Any sloppiness in the gear-train tolerances create slack that must be taken up whenever the direction reverses. This can be a problem in precision motion control applications.


High-end precision gear-trains can be optimized to minimize any or all of these disadvantages. But be prepared to pay a premium price for them!


Hsiang Neng’s geared DC motor is widely used by various applications, such as magnetic bike, vending machine, game player, instrument and appliance, massage tools, stage spinning light, auto shutter, auto mah-jongg table, medical equipment. The DC gear motor is designed and manufactured in high precision and superior quality. If you are interested in learning more information about gearmotors, welcome to contact with Hsiang Neng.



Article Source: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-motor-selection-guide/geared-motors

Hydraulic Modular Valves and Manifolds

Valves are normally mounted onto a valve skid with piping at the rear, or underneath, to allow quick changes to be made for maintenance purposes. Piping can, however, be dispensed with almost totally by mounting valves onto a manifold block- with interconnections formed by drilled passages in a solid block or by cut-outs on a plate-formed manifold.


Modular valve assemblies allow piping to be reduced still further. These follow standards laid down by the Comit~ European des Transmission Oleophydrauliques et Pneumatiques and are consequently known as CETOP modular valves.


Modular valves consist of a base plate, shown in Figure 4.45a, and a wide variety of modules which may be stacked up on top. Figures 4.45b to d show some modules available. At the top of the stack a spool valve or crossover plate is fitted. Quite complicated assemblies can be built up with minimal piping and the ease of a child’s building block model.

CETOP Modular Valves


Mentioned modular valve, I can recommend you to visit the website of ASHUN if you are interested in learning more information about valves. Ashun was established in 1984 as a manufacturer for hydraulic and pneumatic products. For the hydraulic valves, they have 01 series modular valves, directional control valves, pressure control valves and flow control valves. Especially 01 series modular valves which can be afforded high pressure (31.5MPa) and large flow (40L/min).


Need further details about modular valves, please feel free to contact with ASHUN.



Article Source: http://www.valvehydraulic.info/valve-2/hydraulic-modular-valves-and-manifolds.html

Denison Hollow Vane Manufacturing Specialist – Mountop Precision

Denison Hollow VaneEstablished in 1979, Mountop Precision began by providing clients with heat-treatment finishing work, specializing in heat-treatment of high-speed steel and steel molds. Denison hollow vane just is the products that we can offer you.


Denison Hollow Vane is one of the double lips vane series, which featuring high quality and durable. Customize Denison hollow vanes are also welcome. Try to check out Mountop’s website to find the information you need. Feel free to contact with us if you are interested in learning more details about double lips vanes or other pump vane series!


Show you Mountop’s Denison Hollow Vane Specification


  • Material: SKH51, M2, High Speed Steel
  • Hardness: HRC 60°~65°
  • Precision: 0.003~0.005mm or custom-made is acceptable.



Mountop Precision Industrial Co., Ltd.

No. 1, Alley 36, Lane 229, Chung Shan Rd., Sec. 1, Wu Jih Dist., Taichung City , Taiwan, R.O.C.

TEL: 886-4-23377188

FAX: 886-4-23370317

E-mail: vaneinfo@mountop.com.tw

Tell You Some Simple Introduction of Pipe Fittings

The components used in a piping system to connect the various sections of the pipe in order to change the direction of flow, are called fittings. Fittings are made from a number of materials including steel, bronze, cast iron, plastic and glass.


Standards have been established to ensure that fittings are made from proper materials and are able to handle the designed pressures. Some of the important functions of these fittings are:


  • Changing the direction of flow


  • Providing branch connections


  • Changing the size of lines


  • Closing lines


  • Connecting lines.


Fittings for Changing The Direction of Flow


To change the direction of flow, the pipe fittings that are normally used are referred to as elbows. Elbows generally come in all angles but those that are commonly used are the 45° and 90° ones.


Fittings for Changing The Size of The Pipelines


The function of the reducer is to reduce the line to a smaller pipe size. One reason for doing so is to increase the pressure in the system.


Pipe Joints


Pipe joints can be of the screwed, flanged or welded type. Each of these joints which are widely used, have their own advantages and disadvantages.


Screwed fittings are joined to the pipe by means of threads. The main advantage of the threaded joints is that the pipe length can be easily tailored at a later stage. As a threaded joint has metal-to-metal contact between the threads of two mating parts of the pipe, the risk of leakage is high. Hence sealing of the threaded joint becomes very important. The traditional method of providing a seal between the mating threads is to coat the threads with a paste dope. In recent years, the invention of Teflon sealing tapes has made for a more effective solution. The Teflon (being a registered trademark of Du Pont De Neumors and Company) tape can be simply wound over the threads for sealing.


Flanged fittings are either forged or made as cast pipe fittings. A flange is a rim or ring at the end of the fitting, which mates with another section of the pipe. Pipe sections can also be made with flanged ends. Flanges are joined either by being bolted together or by being welded together. The flanged faces again have metal-to-metal contact and proper sealing needs to be provided between the two mating surfaces to avoid leakages. A gasket is usually inserted between the mating surfaces of two flanges, which are bolted together. Normally, compressed asbestos gaskets can be used under conditions of normal pressure and temperature. However, when the system operates under higher pressure and temperature conditions, higher-grade gaskets are used.


Other pipe fittings used in flanged connections include expansion joints and vibration dampeners. Expansion joints have three functions:


  1. They compensate for slight changes in the length of the pipes, by allowing the joined sections of rigid pipes to expand or contract with changes in temperature.


  1. They allow pipe motion either to the side or along the length of the pipe, as the pipe shifts after installation.


  1. They help dampen vibration to some extent and reduce the noise carried along the pipe and originating from distant pumps.


It has a leak proof tube that extends through the bore and forms the outside surface of the flanges. Natural or synthetic rubber compounds are used for this purpose, depending on the type of application. Other types of expansion joints include metal bellows (corrugated type), spiral wound types and slip joint types.


Vibration dampeners are designed specifically to absorb vibration because vibrations reduce the life of the pipes as well as the operating equipment. They also eliminate line noises carried by the pipes.


Wellgrow Industries Corp. is the professional cast pipe fittings and other stainless fittings manufacturer in the industry. If you are interested in learning more information about pipe fittings, try to visit the website of Wellgrow to see what products they can offer you!



Article Source: http://machineryequipmentonline.com/hydraulics-and-pneumatics/hydraulic-accessoriesfluid-conductors-hydraulic-pipes-and-hoses/

High Precision Taper Collet Holder Manufacturing Expert – SYIC

The best-suited base collet holder is applicable to all the kinds of machining. This holder meets all the requirements for high speed cutting; Accuracy, rigidity, balance, and coolant.


Accuracy: super-precise spring collet that dramatically improves the quality of the finished surface and the operating life of the cutting tool.


Rigidity: thick holder and 6degree tapered collet design ensure the proper absorption of cutting vibrations.


Balance: pre-balanced design minimizes the vibrations resulting from high speed machining.


Coolant: compatible with the coolant-through features that maximizes the spindle-through features.


Established in 1979, Shin-Yain Industrial Co., Ltd. specializes in manufacturing high precision tool holders, cutting tools, and accessories for lathes, milling machines, CNC machining centers, mill-turn machines, etc. If you need more information about collet holders, welcome to visit our website to see what excellent products Shin-Yain can offer you.



Shin-Yain Industrial Co., Ltd.

No.198, Jingpu Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City 436, Taiwan

Tel: +886-4-26237575

Fax: +886-4-26237676

E-mail: sales@syic.com



Article Source: http://www.mst-corp.co.jp/en/mc_tool/colletholder/