Accumulators and Their Capacity

Piston accumulator is a kind of the fluid power component, and is the only one which can store the energy in hydraulic systems. The unique advantage of piston accumulators is energy storage in usually and used in emergency, it also has several functions, such as temperature compensation, leakage compensation, counter balance, shock absorption, transfer barrier, shock dampening and pulsation dampening.


Today even modern accumulators possess limited capacity although their parameters develop every day. Alkaline accumulators are most popular accumulators as power suppliers for portable devices. For the past 25 years the capacity of accumulators has increased 5 times (just compare: properties of electronic devices have improved in thousand times). Thus, the accumulator capacity is ultimate and limited by sizes of its case. New advanced technologies don’t increase the capacity considerably, moreover, newest scientific data does not expect significant increases in capacity among this energy sources in the nearest future.


Unfortunately, as long as accumulators are based on electrochemical processes, we will be limited by energy storage devices. We will have to use accumulators big in their sizes, heavy, flaky, unpredictable in operation, rather expensive and thus, with a rather short term of life. Moreover, attempts of increase in capacity, reduction of weight and sizes of accumulators have led to by-effects, such as: a shorter service life and an increased self-category, without mentioning higher working costs. The matter is that one of methods to increase the capacity of accumulators is the use of a thinner plate of a separator dividing the anode and the cathode and which collapses faster, a consequence of that is the increased self-discharge. It means that buying an accumulator with a maximum capacity, we obviously get an energy source designed for the minimum durability. Probably, some of you have ever noticed that many accumulators which were produced in the 80’s, 70’s and even in the 60’s are still in use, while those bought in the 90’s are already out of order.


Today developments of fuel elements (hydrogen, spirit, gas, etc.) are considered as the most perspective but they are still far from perfect and are inaccessible to ordinary consumers. Along with the improvement of energy products, modernization of power consumers takes place. Much less energy is consumed by modern electronic devices than by their predecessors. All these circumstances allow using advanced achievements of science and engineering in the field of electro-power supply for achievement of more essential results.


Ashun piston accumulators have three standard types, A280, B250 and C210, which are all certified by the EU Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU (MODULE H1) with quality assurance. Their accumulators can be widely used in hydraulic power units of various types of machine tools, we also serve customization, welcome to contact with Ashun Fluid Power Co., Ltd.!



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Lathe Chucks and Accessories – What do I need?

When you purchased your lathe, you might not have known just what you were going to do with it or what options were available. Now that you’re gaining some experience, you’re realizing that all of those different chucks and accessories that were available could be quite beneficial for a variety of purposes. However, sifting through the mountains of different parts, chucks, and accessories can overwhelm even the most experienced and harden lathe professional.


What is the Difference between Chucks and Accessories?

The chuck is the part of the machine that turns, providing you the opportunity to shape the product in the precise manner that you want. Different chucks will give you different options and opportunities for working the wood or metal (and yes, or the glass). Especially for metal working lathes, chucks can determine the threading spacing for certain projects, allowing you to create the perfect thread for the parts you’re attempting to create, such as bolts, camshafts, or other projects.


Accessories offer a breadth of options that can be added to your lathe or used to help enhance the experience, refine the process, or open doors to new opportunities to create even more exciting products using your lathe.


Different Choices for Chucks

Some lathe chucks use an integral thread for mounting it to the machine. These tend to be larger machines and are not likely to be used in a residential setting or by a hobbyist. Most other lathes use a back plate for mounting the chuck, which makes it easier to replace and try different chucks for various applications.


You can choose from:

  • 2 Jaw chucks
  • 3 Jaw chucks
  • 4 Jaw chucks
  • 6 Jaw chucks
  • Soft Jaw chucks
  • Independent jaw chucks
  • Combination jaw chucks
  • Drawtube actuated lathe chucks


The 2 through 6 jaw chucks are used with scroll type lathes and are manual actuated self-centering.


An independent 4 jaw chuck is not self-centering, but the individual jaws can be moved independently from one another. These chucks can be used to work on an irregular shaped part, or you can use it to set a piece off center for whatever reason that you would have in doing so.


Combination jaw chucks combine the self-centering action of the scroll chuck with independently moving jaws. This adds more flexibility with the ability to have the self-centering benefits. Drawtube actuated lathe chucks are powered using hydraulic or air cylinders to move the drawtube forward or backward. When the drawtube moves, it clamps or unclamps the jaws.


Each different type of lathe chucks can perform a wide range of tasks, opening the possibilities of incredible designs and processes. Many of the chucks mentioned here are more than the average beginner lathe worker will need or be able to get the most out of, but each one can be used in many standard lathe machines. The only drawback is that not all of these different types of lathes are available for mini or micro lathes.


Now, if you are interested in learning more information about 2 jaw chuck, 3 jaw chuck and so on chucks, welcome to visit the website of Autogrip Machinery Co., Ltd. to see what high quality power chucks they can offer you!



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Why Do Engineers Use Stainless Steel Ball Valves?

As time goes on engineers continue to develop new technology improving operation services for a variety of businesses in a wide array of sectors. The form of the stainless steel ball valve is no different. It has altered in shape and has been modified to achieve maximum results over the years. It is a reflection of the technological advances that have been made by engineers today.


A steel ball valve is located inside a tube and enables waste fluids to travel through a passageway. The valve works by placing an existing hole in the steel ball then the placement of the ball is what controls the function of this valve. Once the holes are proceeding in the same direction as that of the passageways the valve stays open. The fluid begins to stream out in an uninterrupted manner. This is vital to the function of the contraption because if the holes are not lined up correctly then the valve closes and the fluid remains encased.


Why Stainless Steel?


To effectively execute its function, the valve needs to be strong and untainted when exposed to extreme temperatures and pressures. Sometimes the metal valves connect joints that carry a maximum of 200 degrees. Thus, it needs to handle working under such circumstances without dissolving or bowing. Engineers found this metal to fulfill all of these requirements and then some.


It also comes in different sizes and shapes. This is for you to find the exact valve size you need for your operations.


Also, these are able to come in two designs, sanitary or industrial. The sanitary ones are designed for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, dairy and beverage industries. When you are looking to purchase one of these specify what industry you need the device for. This way you are guided towards equipment suitable to match your business needs.


In daily life, some recognizable valves are used in tap water, plumbing, dishwashers and hot water systems. It is easy to comprehend its mechanical function and purpose if you think about how veins and the heart work inside our own bodies.


Veins act as a valve permitting the flow of blood to the heart while maintaining a steady, correct pace. If you choose the right stainless steel ball valves for your business then it should act in the same manner.


Think about what type of business you are using the equipment for and narrow in on the products recommended, required by law and what material outlasts the rest.


Golden Highope Industrial Inc. Ltd. has specialized in manufacturing stainless steel ball valves since 1990, with years of experiences we provide only high quality ball valves to clients. Here we offer more various specification stainless steel valves for you to choose. Check the full Stainless & Carbon Steel Valve series on the website of Golden Highope and feel free to contact with us for further details!



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What Are the Different Types of Plastic Raw Materials?

There are hundreds of different types of plastic raw materials. Additionally, each type of plastic may vary in certain specifications, such as density and strength. By definition, plastics are able to be molded, so most plastic raw materials are available in various forms. The choice of plastic rolls, sheets or pellets is usually determined by the type of molding machinery used by product manufacturers. Selection of which plastic compound to use is a matter of what properties are desired in the finished product.


Plastic is an organic polymer. Chemically, most are very long chains of repeating hydrocarbons, consisting exclusively or primarily of hydrogen and carbon atoms. There are a few plastics, still relevant to modern civilization, made from very natural organic sources. Rubber is made from the sap of a plant; celluloid is made from cellulose, the ingredient that gives all plants their structural form. The majority of plastics in the modern world have been made from petroleum oil or natural gas.


Recyclable plastics are called thermoplastics because their chemical structures are the same in both solid and hot molten states. Less common thermosetting plastics establish their permanent structures once solidified. Plastic raw materials can also be categorized according to whether their polymers line up in an orderly, almost crystalline matrix, or else in a more random, or amorphous structure.


When it comes to plastic raw materials, a manufacturer’s buying decision is principally based on the physical requirements of the product they are making. There are many different types of plastic precisely because each has a different mix of properties. Disposable polyethylene (PE) bags are relatively lightweight, but they tolerate a great amount of stretch before easily tearing apart. High density polyethylene (HDPE), on the other hand, is well-suited to form into beverage bottles. Low density polyethylene (LDPE) is particularly tolerant of cold temperature and is often used in furniture and building materials.


At the other end of the scale, polyamides (PA) such as variants of Nylon® can withstand very high temperatures and is therefore used for applications such as insulation and mechanical parts. Other technical specifications of a given plastic include its flexibility and elasticity. These variables determine whether a product should be made with polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or another plastic. Some types of specialized plastic were custom formulated to a single product’s specifications.


Plastic raw materials come in many different forms, and this choice is also made in part on the intended product. Bags are made from rolls, for example. More often than not, the choice is influenced by the type of molding equipment the manufacturer employs. Raw plastic in sheet form are needed for compression-molding and vacuum-molding equipment, whereas rods and bricks are fed into most extrusion-molding machines. Small pellets, which are usually the form of any recycled plastic supply, are the preferred form for injection-molding equipment.


Prochase Enterprise Co., Ltd. not only provides protective film series products, also offers plastic raw materials to clients. If you are interested in learning more information about this company and its plastic raw materials, welcome to browse the website and feel free to contact with Prochase!


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What is a Pressure Control Valve and Why Do You Need It?

Pressure control valves are found in virtually every hydraulic system, and they assist in a variety of functions, from keeping system pressures safely below a desired upper limit to maintaining a set pressure in part of a circuit.


Every pressure control valve switches (or controls) at a predetermined pressure setting. The switching pressure is generally a variable setting on the valve itself. A change in position of the pressure control valve (i.e. open or closed) occurs either gradually (by control) or suddenly (by switch). Pressure shut-off valves and pressure sequence valves are hydraulic valves with a fixed throttle whereas relief and reducing valves are hydraulic valves with a variable throttle.


Pressure valves are hydraulic valves that gradually (control) or suddenly (switch) change in position.


The most common types of pressure control valves are the pressure relief valve and the pressure reducing valve. Pressure relief valves control the system pressure by relieving part, or all, of the flow to tank. Pressure reducing valves reduce the pressure supplied to a sub-system of a hydraulic system. Sequence valves are used to direct the flow to a secondary circuit. Unloading valves are used to direct flow to tank at pre-set system pressure.


Type of Pressure Control Valves


  • Pressure valves, relief function
  • Pressure valves, reducing function
  • Pressure valves, fixed throttle


A hydraulic system can only function – as per requirements – by using valves. Thus, you should always look for the correct type of hydraulic valve to serve your intended purpose. You can try to browse the website of ASHUN, the professional hydraulic valves manufacturer in the industry, to get more information about pressure control valves. If you have any questions, welcome to contact with ASHUN via email or telephone!



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What is a Scroll Chuck?

A self-centering chuck, also known as a scroll chuck, uses dogs (usually called jaws), interconnected via a scroll gear (scroll plate), to hold onto a tool or workpiece. Because they most often have three jaws, the term three-jaw chuck without other qualification is understood by machinists to mean a self-centering three-jaw chuck. The term universal chuck also refers to this type. These chucks are best suited to grip circular or hexagonal cross-sections when very fast, reasonably accurate (±0.005 inch [0.125 mm] TIR) centering is desired.


Sometimes this type of scroll chuck has 4 or 6 jaws instead of 3. More jaws grip the workpiece more securely if it is truly cylindrical, and thin-walled work will deform less. Four jaws are also useful for square bar work.


There are also independent-jaw (non-self-centering) chucks with three jaws.


There are hybrid self-centering chucks that have adjustment screws that can be used to further improve the concentricity after the workpiece has been gripped by the scroll jaws. This feature is meant to combine the speed and ease of the scroll plate’s self-centering with the run-out eliminating controllability of an independent-jaw chuck. The most commonly used name for this type is a brand name, Set-Tru. To avoid undue genericization of that brand name, suggestions for a generic name have included “exact-adjust”.


Three-jaw chucks are often used on lathes and indexing heads.


Di Chun Iron Work Co., Ltd. is the professional manufacturer of producing scroll chuck and kinds of power chucks. If you are interested in learning further specification and what do them look like, welcome to browse our website and feel free to contact with Di Chun.



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What are Metal Bond Grinding Wheels and What Benefits Do They Offer?

Extensively used in manufacturing diamond grinding wheels, metal bonds are manufactured utilizing three different processes: cold press, semi hot press and hot press modes.

Metal Bond Grinding Wheel
Cold press mode involves pressing the transition layer (no diamonds) and the working layer (with diamonds) of selected diamond portions to forms that on the body of the grinding wheel. These segments are then allowed to interconnect with the grinding wheel’s body via slots or teeth. Finally, cold press grinding wheels are placed into sintering furnaces where they are sintered without press.


Semi hot press mode improves on the cold press mode by complementing the sintering process. While grinding wheels are sintering in a furnace, applicable molds are applied and minimal to moderate pressure is added. However, any pressure applied is significantly lower than the amount of pressure applied in hot press mode.


Hot press mode directly sinters diamond particles in molds under preset pressure levels in sintering press machines. Diamond segments are then affixed on the grinding wheel using high frequency laser welding, high frequency welding or mosaic methods of mechanical welding.


Metal bond grinding wheels are produced when powdered metals or compounds containing cubic boron nitride or diamond are sintered on the wheel, resulting in exceptionally strong tools that maintain shape during rigorous use. In addition, metal bonding extends the life of grinding wheels by reducing the need for repeated dressings and continues being productive longer than market-brand super abrasives.


Benefits of Using Metal Bond Grinding Wheels

  • Because metal bond grinding wheels are sintered with cobalt, copper, mill, silver or stanum power, they work exceptionally well on a variety of surfaces (glass, refractories, ceramics, silicon, semi-conductors and quartz).
  • Whether used for tool cutting, glass grinding, ceramic grinding or form cutting, metal bond grinding wheels provide the longest, most superior quality of service before any type of maintenance is needed.
  • Metal bond offers the ability to perform outstanding interrupted cuts while retaining the tool’s original dimensions even during the most energetic grinding actions, including centerless, cylindrical, creep feed, deburring and cutoff applications.
  • Although resin bonds are more commonly used than vitrified or electroplated bonds, these bonds do not offer the hardness or wheel retention properties exhibited by metal bond grinding wheel.


As one of the most frequently seen machines in manufacturing plants requiring grinding applications, centerless grinders especially benefit from metal bond grinding wheels because of the slow, precise pace of material removal method demanded of these machines. Additionally, super abrasive centerless grinders necessitate powerful wheels such as metal bond grinding wheels that can effectively make predetermined alterations to products while reducing quality control issues that may arise if lesser quality wheels are used.


Best Diamond Industrial Co., Ltd. is the professional manufacturer of metal bond grinding wheel & CBN wheels. If you are interested in learning more information about grinding wheels or related products, welcome to contact with Besdia directly!



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Optimum Flow Control Contributes Towards Reducing Manufacturing Costs

Oil and gas companies around the globe face the challenge of increasing production and delivering quality products while reducing resources and manufacturing costs. Process control has a financial impact and so reducing process variability is, therefore, a key factor in maximizing quality output and reducing costs. Comprehensive studies of control systems have shown that up to 80% of control loops have not performed satisfactorily in reducing process variability. In most instances, the control valve was found to be the major cause of the problem. Despite this, the impact of the flow control valve on dynamic performance is often overlooked.


Optimum flow control is imperative; choke and control valves are subject to a variety of technical phenomena and careful selection of the right control valve for each application is crucial.


Superior design features include the valve material, which should be resistant to the chemical composition of the flow medium. For example, discs and internals made of solid Tungsten Carbide, renowned for its erosion and cavitation resistant properties. Industrial diamond facings inserted on the discs have also produced some very good results under severe conditions. The sealing surface must not be in contact with the flowing medium to ensure seat tightness can be guaranteed for a longer period of time. The construction of the internals should ensure that the downstream of the back disc is abrasive resistant. This removes the majority of cavitation and erosive material from the sealing surfaces as well as from the valve body. The design of the internals must be able to absorb turbulence in the flow so that the outgoing flow is more laminar. Rotating choke disc valves are recommended for extremely severe applications.


Flow control valves are also optimized by using different shaped and sized throttling orifices in the rotating discs. This affects the Cv value of the valve and has a crucial impact on process control. The right valve size and trim must be chosen to match the process conditions.


For both new and existing applications, to ensure downtime is kept to an absolute minimum and additional costs are not incurred, flow control valves should ideally be engineered to fit with no modifications to existing pipework. This also ensures that any replacements can be made efficiently.


Ultimately, these design features coupled with repairable internals and easy maintenance maximize production output, lower life-cycle costs and extend the mean time between failures, providing an overall reduction in total cost of ownership.


Found in 1984, ASHUN has established a fine reputation worldwide. Our professional R & D team develops new products continuously to meet our customers’ needs. If you need more information about flow control valves or other valves, welcome to browse our website or contact with ASHUN directly!



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Oil Seals: The Mark of a Well Oiled Machine

While they are often called many different names, oil seals, grease seals, fluid seals, and dirt seals all accomplish the same task: they have the very important job of closing the spaces between stationary and moving parts in all kinds of mechanical equipment. For everything from automotive, industrial, and agricultural equipment to manufacturing equipment and machine tools – oil and grease seals are an absolute necessity in the modern world when it comes to attaining the level of performance and efficiency that helps provide us with the many vehicles, products, and services we benefit from every day.


The very vital components of all kinds of bearings, from angular contact bearings to cylindrical roller bearings are all protected by oil seals, to keep their precisely constructed assemblies safe and reliable at all times – in even some of the harshest applications.


In addition to actually closing the spaces and gaps in various machines, tools, and vehicles, grease seals also provide critical protection against harmful contamination. With the help of oil seals, what needs to stay in the machine (such as lubrication) does so, and what needs to stay out of the machine (dirt, debris, and other contaminants) is kept away from its hardworking and often-delicate parts and components.


Simultaneously and specifically in the case of machine tools and machine components, oil seals do much more than prevent the ingress of abrasives, moisture, and contaminants. They also ensure that various liquids do not mix together, such as oil based lubricants and water.


There are many grease oil seal designs engineered specifically to meet the needs of various industries. While it might seem like “a seal’s a seal” the actual design, materials, and configuration used can make a significant difference in certain applications. For example, some seal types are engineered to eliminate torque and friction, this enables the seal to move with the bearings and the other machine components while simultaneously protecting against contamination. Other seal varieties are engineered with greater efficiency in mind. Regardless of the requirement, the industrial world has come up with a number of designs and concepts to deliver the performance needed for virtually every application. Some of these seal types include:


  • Light duty deals
  • Heavy duty seals
  • O-ring seals
  • V-seals
  • Labyrinth seals
  • Multiple lip seals
  • And more…


Whether you’ve ever even considered oil and grease seals before. They have undoubtedly affected your life and the things you use every day. So next time you think about how all the things surrounding you are manufactured – consider the impact of one tiny component: the oil seal.


Lian Yu specializes in the design, production and distribution of oil seals and special seals for vehicle and mechanical applications. Our product lines include bus oil seals, oil bath seals, industrial oil seals, special seal, rubber seals, vehicle oil seals, etc. If you have any interest or question, please do not hesitate to contact Lian Yu Oil Seals.


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What Is a Flanged Ball Valve?

Based on the ball-socket design, the ball valve is an in-line device shaped like a ball with an orifice through its center. When oriented correctly, the ball valve allows product to flow through easily. By grabbing the handle and turning the ball perpendicular or sideways, an individual can stop the flow. Found in almost every industrial environment, a flanged ball valve helps to control the flow rate through any plumbing application. The flanged ball valve is similar to the standard ball valve, but has mating connections or flanges that allow for quick and easy replacement of a damaged valve.


For instance, a valve without flanges would require an individual to manually cut piping and then reconnect it with a new valve in place. This reconnection can introduce additional hazards, as well as increased costs. In other words, some plumbing connections might require welding, soldering, or machining threads onto the ends of pipes for threaded applications.


When replacing a flanged ball valve, an individual should look for the bolted connections on either side of the valve. Loosening and removing the bolts from the flanges will allow the new ball valve to replace the broken ball valve. The modular design of flanged ball valves lends to their popularity, since a new flanged ball valve can bolt right into place of an old one. This ease of replacement is why flanged ball valves are commonly used when rapid repairs are essential.


A variety of flanged ball valves are available to cover nearly any application. Regulations exist to govern the varying sizes one may encounter. In the United States, for example, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) governs the regulations, or codes. These regulations ensure that one flanged ball valve bears the same specifications as another, even if created by different manufacturers. The fact that one ASME flanged ball valve can replace another of the same size increases the interchangeability.


Valves come in many different configurations, such as the knobs on the kitchen sink, which are typically ball valves. These are generally found at some midpoint in a typical plumbing configuration. The best application for a ball valve is to quickly and easily stop product from flowing through pipes or plumbing, allowing for repairs to take place. A flanged ball valve has a variety of plumbing applications, mostly industrial, yet features the simple operation of the un-flanged variety, which requires merely moving a handle one quarter of a turn. In this model, flanges on either side of the actual valve make replacements of a broken valve relatively easy.


Wellgrow Industries Corp. is the professional ball valve and gate valve manufacturer in the industry. We offer a variety of valves likes flanged ball valve, globe valve, butterfly valve, diverter valve and so on products. If you are interested in learning further specification and details about flanged ball valve series, welcome to browse Wellgrow’s website or contact with us directly!


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