Purchasing Tips of Used Plastic Pelletizing Systems

A plastic extrusion-pelletizing system is equipment that creates plastic pellets and is one of the most important intermediate processes in plastics. There are four main processes: strand pelletizing, underwater, hot ring, and hot cut. The technology has not changed significantly in recent years and used plastic pelletizing equipment offers a high return on investment. The typical life of a new plastic extrusion-pelletizing system from a reputable manufacturer will exceed 20 years if properly cared for and maintained. The most important considerations when buying a new or used plastic extrusion-pelletizing system are cost, quality and delivery time.

How Plastic Pelletizing Systems Work

Plastic extrusion-pelletizing system add raw materials, often powders, to the barrel of an extruder. Inside the barrel, heat and pressure are applied to melt the powders and a rotating screw mixes it together. This creates a uniform and consistent molten product. The molten product is passed through a screen that creates pressure in the extruder barrel, filters impurities, and controls flow to the die. The diameter and shape of the molten plastic is determined by settings on the die. From this point, four different processes can be applied.

Different Plastic Pelletizing Processes Strand Pelletizing

One option to process compound plastic is strand pelletizing. After the extruder process, a strand die creates a series of spaghetti-like strands that are cooled in water. Once cooled, an air stripper removes excess water. The strand pelletizer then cuts the cooled strands. In the case of the strand die, the number of holes is proportional to the size of the extruder. Another consideration is heat source: electric or oil. Electric systems are cleaner and easier to maintain at a constant temperature, however some applications require oil. The most common manufacturer is Extrusion Dies Industries (EDI). It can be difficult to determine the brand of the die without documentation.

Water Bath

Issues to consider when purchasing a used water bath include the length, width, and depth of the submersion chamber. It’s important to ensure the water bath is big enough to hold the strands. The size of the water bath is generally matched to the throughput of the extruder. Construction material is also important with stainless steel the best choice because it doesn’t rust. Other materials include carbon steel and aluminum.

Air Stripper

When purchasing an air stripper, make sure the width of the lips are wide enough to allow the strands to be pulled through and ensure the horsepower is strong enough.

Strand Pelletizing

When purchasing a used strand pelletizing system, ensure the entrance width and strand guide matches the size and number of strands. Examine the type of rotor: either removable blades or solid helical. In both cases, the number and width of the blade on the rotor is important. Make sure the unit has adequate horsepower to spin the rotor to cut pellets. Manufacturers include Conair and Cumberland.


Screens can be round or rectangle. Ensure the size of the screen matches the extruder. Screens with more decks allow greater levels of filtration. Manufacturers of round screens are Sweeco, Midwestern, and Kason. Manufacturers of rectangular screens include Witte and Rotex. Screens need to be sized to match the rate of the extruder.

Underwater Pelletizing

Another option to process compound plastic is underwater pelletizing. In this process, an adapter connects the extruder with or without a screen changer to a system comprised of a die, a cutting system, a water system, and a spin dryer. In this process, molten material is cut into pellets after moving through the die and into a water slurry. Pelletizing takes place underwater. After this, pellets are dried in a spin dryer and sorted according to size by a screen. The underwater pelletizer must be sized so that the flow of water in gallons per minute is appropriate for the production rate of material from the extruder. Each manufacturer has a different calculation. The most common manufacturers are Gala and Farrel.

Water Ring Pelletizing

A third option to process compound plastic is water ring pelletizing. This works in the same way as underwater pelletizing except the pellet is cut when hot and cooled in a ring of water. As the plastic moves through the die, the pelletizer throws the pellets against the wall of the ring with water instantly cooling the hot pellets. The pellets are dried in a spin dryer and sorted by size through a screen. When purchasing water ring pelletizing systems, consider the model, capacity and manufacturer. The most common brands are Beringer, Xaloy, and PTI. It’s common for water ring pelletizing systems to include the die, cutter, water system, spin dryer and water trough.

Hot Cut Pelletizing

The fourth option to process compound plastic is hot cut pelletizing. In this case, pellets are cut when hot and cooled by a blower before being sorted by size through a screen. This process is typically used with PVC pellets. The best-known brand is Cincinnati Milacron.

Used plastic pelletizing systems

When purchasing the used plastic extrusion-pelletizing systems, consider its age, manufacturer, horsepower, type of rotor, and screen holes. The advantages of buying a used plastics pelletizing system includes immediate installation and competitive price. Choose a reputable brand with maintenance records.

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Benefits of PVC Wall Panels

Even though these are excellent wall or ceiling covers, they can be costly — and unpleasant to set up and eliminate. Nevertheless there is a solution i.e. PVC wall panels. These can be an excellent remedy if you want to protect your ceiling, wall or surfaces quickly — and have them look fashionable and architecture look too. They are avail in just about any type of “look” you want, from woodgrain to granite-look, even onyx or stone.

PVC represents Polyvinyl Chloride and it is a plastic paneling remedy that’s been shaped to particular needs. It has several benefits over actual woodgrain paneling for instance or other surfaces covers. They include:


Unlike real wooden covers or other natural components, PVC wall panel is resilient and very low servicing. They avoid removal and shade changes and in contrast to wooden paneling, for example, they will not soak up water or won’t rot.

Ease of installation

PVC wall panels are very simple to set up or install. Most PVC paneling these days is done as a tongue and groove set up as that they can simply be affixed or nailed through recessed attaching so that the nails are hidden. You can also adhesive PVC wall panels onto surfaces instead of nailing or stapling. The paneling is light-weight, portable and simple to deal with, so that you don’t need unique tools.


One can find out PVC wall panels in just about any shade, design or look you want. That means you can fit ceiling panel to just about any decorations.


It might shock you to know that PVC panels are also insulating. This can provide a type of higher insulation levels for your home beyond that you would generally look upon.

Easy maintenance

Unlike other surfaces covers, you don’t need to do anything unique to sustain or clean PVC panels. All you have to do is clean them with a wet cloth.


Although you will pay a little bit out of wallet for PVC paneling, the benefits eventually in contrast to other surfaces protecting components is important. Because they’re very low servicing, resilient, Flame resistant and simple to clean, you can put them up once and appreciate them for years to come, without muss, without hassle.

Flame resistant

PVC wall panels have the biggest Flame resistance for any internal finish, further guaranteeing the protection of your family.

Easily changeable

Want to modify the look in a space quickly? Instead of having to clean and repaper a space whenever you want a new look, you can basically take down surfaces sections and put new ones back up, quickly. It is a simple way to modify a look in a space, quickly — no unpleasant colour or paper scratching to deal with.

Walls paneling can be the solution in more ways than one. They can not only help to secure a building’s substructure, they can also give the building security against the price of future maintenance and damage.

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Privacy Window Films are An Excellent Choice for Home Window Tinting

Majority of people consider curtains, drapes and blinds as the only types of treatments that can be used in enhancing the beauty of windows. Window tinting is another alternative that can be used in adding beauty and style to windows. In fact, over the last few years, the popularity of window tinting has significantly increased. Even though most people attribute window tinting to cars, home and offices are embracing them and using them for their premises. There are several benefits of home window tinting such as protection from UV rays, acting as anti-graffiti, being used for decorative purposes and so on.

While majority of people regard residential window tinting as only good for providing protection against UV rays, it also provides privacy and security. One of the easiest ways of achieving privacy in homes and offices is to apply an opaque film on the windows or doors. In terms of turning windows opaque, there are many types of films that can be used. Some of these films include frosted, stained or etched glass. Colored glass films can also be used to provide the required level of opacity for the windows.

Etched glass home window tinting also known as window wallpapers, is a type of vinyl films that can be easily customized for any type of window. These allows natural light into the room and at the same time not allowing neighbors or passersby from seeing the inside of the home or office. By using this window film, any room can be transformed into an elegant and stylish room with styles that easily compliment the wide variety of window designs and decors. In addition to providing privacy, other designs of etched films are also energy efficient and offer protection against UV rays.

Even though privacy window films are an excellent choice for home window tinting by providing privacy, and allowing natural light they are also known for warming rooms. During warm conditions, these privacy films help in reducing the amount of heat in a room and in the process makes it comfortable. According to experts, a good privacy film should be 8 mm thick and able to filter up to 96% of ultra violet rays. It is therefore a prudent decision to use a privacy film in homes and offices.

Unlike other types of commercial window tinting films, privacy window film does not have any adhesives. This means that the film does onto contain any chemicals that might cause rashes or other health conditions on the people installing the films. In addition to being safe, privacy films can be reused. This is very beneficial for homeowners who are conscious about protecting the environment as they can recycle the film. The beauty of using privacy residential window tinting is that, one does not have to spend time closing or opening window curtains or drapes. The privacy provided by these privacy films is available at all times. With so many designs, colors and styles available, it is very easy to choose a privacy window tinting that matches the style and décor of any home or office.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mostafizur_Rahaman_Salim

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Plastic Extruder Manufacturer: Shang Ta Chia

Shang Ta Chia was established as an extrusion machine manufacturer since 1984. Our business range covers various extrusion machines, including PP/PC hollow profile extrusion line, PP/PC/PVC corrugated sheet extrusion line, PP film extrusion line, etc. Shang Ta Chia offers high quality extrusion machines and manufacturers to commit your requirements. Our extrusion machine contains two main advantages of manufacturing process, to create very complex cross-sections and work materials that are brittle because the material only encounters compressive and shear stresses.


Our plastic extruder manufactured with our unwavering commitment to help our customers improve their business performance and we also earned great reputation in the plastic extruder industry. We always keep working on upgrading the performance of our existed plastic extruder. And our engineers and technical staffs apply their expertise and skills to develop the latest plastic extruders to go with the ever-changing market. Plastics extrusion is a high volume manufacturing process in which raw plastic material is melted and formed into a continuous profile. Extrusion produces items such as pipe/tubing, weather stripping, window frames, plastic sheeting, adhesive tape and wire insulation.


As to the quality of extrusion machines, Shang Ta Chia is a famed extrusion machine manufacturer who not only has a wide experience on the tachinids, but also strives to research and innovate our machinery. Therefore, our extrusion machinery is definitely surpassing other extrusion manufacturers. We offer complete categories for extrusion manufacturer of extrusion machine. Meanwhile, we are aggressive to explore our extrusion machines to the world market. Shang Ta Chia is a leading trade portal of plastic extruder. Are you still looking for ideal extrusion machine? Out of the question, Shang Ta Chia is firmly your best choice!

Conveyor Systems

Conveyor systems are primarily built to move products from one area to another in a warehouse or production facility. Making an efficient and consistent way to transport many products whether heavy or light, to different areas of the facility.

A conveyor system is built up out of parts which fit together to build the whole system. The parts can be:

Gravity roller conveyor – meaning that the conveyor is not powered and the items travel along by being pushed or through gravity such as an incline.
Gravity skate wheel conveyor – skate wheel conveyor are another form of gravity, the skate wheels are attached to the conveyor and the wheels on the top where the product can be moved across.
Belt conveyor – products are moved along a belt which is moving.
Wire mesh conveyors
Plastic belt conveyors
Bucket conveyors
Spiral conveyors – a spiral conveyor takes the products up or down to a different level in a small space.
Vibrating conveyors
Pneumatic conveyors
Belt driven live roller conveyors
Lineshaft roller conveyor

Conveyors are often used in many industries such as:

  • Distribution
  • White Goods
  • Logistics
  • Manufacturing
  • Printing
  • Engineering
  • Automotive

The advantages of using a conveyor system are:

It is more efficient than manual moving – A conveyor system offers more efficient ways of moving products around a production or warehouse facility. This means that more throughput is possible than using a manual moving system.

Better tracking – Using a conveyor system enables items to be properly tracked and processed with a management system. This means that items are traceable and can be followed allowing for quality control.

Increase productivity – Using a system means that the process can be refined and improved to make a more efficient process. This leads to greater productivity that can be reproduced day after day.

Things to think about when looking for conveyor systems.

When looking for a conveyor system it is important to get the right advice at the start of the process. This saves time and money later on if the design and system development is given planning time at the beginning. Getting a company that have worked with systems that suit the purpose that you are looking to automate mean that the learnt experience can be passed on and make the process run smoothly. Do you need to automate? It’s worth asking the question if you need to automate your processes and what benefits that will have.

Way’s to optimize the system.

Through good planning and knowing the goals at the start of the project helps make optimizing the process better. It’s always better to know what is possible and get the right advice from the system at the start of the planning. Then optimizing becomes part of the planning

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_John_Barton

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How to Find Your Right Video Wall?

For business owners, creating an indelible first impression is critical to establishing their brand and starting the process to convert random passersby or potential clients into paying customers. Technology plays a big role in that impression and conversion process, but many business owners and managers are unsure of the best ways to implement technology into that process. Instead, they rely on static messaging – like a typical advertisement or static display – and individual contact from a representative of the company. While those old standby methods have their place, the simple fact is that any company not leading with a strong and distinct technological presence is leaving a big chunk of business behind.

That means finding a reliable and user-friendly way of integrating technology is a must. In the age of readily available and inexpensive high definition displays, the easiest answer is to put up a 1080p screen with some unique imagery and advertising content. But think about this: if one screen is good, aren’t more screens better? The answer here, of course, is yes. But the barrier of finding usable and easy-to-manage video installations becomes even more daunting than before when more screens are involved. Finding a solution that allows for simple content management through hardware – with no software, separate dedicated computers, or drivers required – is key.

What these businesses desperately need is a video wall solution. Now, that may sound a bit overwhelming, and with the wrong product, it can be. But new developments in video wall controllers are giving end users, even those who don’t have any experience with this kind of technology, the perfect option when looking to create and manage video wall solutions.

A video wall solution can be anywhere from four screens (a 2×2 configuration) to dozens and dozens of screens, depending on the application and venue. For businesses looking for more of an entry-level video wall controller, a four-screen environment should be plenty. With the right screens and some quality content, a 2×2 video wall will make for a dynamic addition to any business or store without overwhelming its audience or the person in charge of managing the display.

In particular, hardware-only solution are designed for a plug-and-play user experience. Simply plug in the input sources and HD screens to the controller, select the best configuration for the content, and it’s ready to go. For businesses searching for a leg up on their competition, a great video wall solution is the way to go.

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A Few Different Mobility Carts To Know

When people get older or get into some sort of accident, it may be hard for them to get around. They may not be able to drive a car, walk long distances, or even get around the house. This could cause a lot of problems, because they may have to have someone with them all the time to make sure they’re OK. However, now days there are mobile carts that make it possible for people with limited mobility to get around. This article will discuss three different carts available today.

The Legend 4-Wheel Mobility Scooter is one of the best mobile carts on the market today. It weighs over 200 pounds, so it’s a heavy duty machine. It can reach a top speed of nearly six miles per hour. It has a carrying capacity of about 350 pounds. This model even has some headlights, so it can be used during the darker times of the day. It even looks good, so anyone looking for a cart with some style should look at this one. This particular product sells for about $2,100 brand new.

The Destiny 4-Wheel Mobility Scooter is also one of the best mobile carts available today. It has a top speed of about five miles per hour. It has a great suspension system, a full angle adjustable tiller, and an adjustable armrest width and height. It has a carrying capacity of about 300 pounds. Also, it’s really easy to move this cart around, because it can be taken apart. This means that it can be taken on vacations or anywhere else a person with limited mobility needs to go. This particular model can be found for sale at a price of about $1,800.

The Spitfire 1410 Handicap Mobility Medical Cart Scooter is also a great model. This particular model has a comfortable seat with hand rests. It is very durable. However, one of the best things about this cart is that it has a basket on the front of it. This makes it easy for a person with limited mobility to go get groceries or bring something to or from a friend’s house. This model can be purchased for about $850. I hope this article has been beneficial to those looking for mobile carts for a person with limited mobility.

Check out about mobile carts!

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Purchasing A Good Power Inverter – Sine Wave Inverter

When it comes to purchasing a good power inverter you need to know all the facts. A power inverter can do a lot of wonderful things when creating portable power. By simply being able to convert DC power into AC power any person can access portable power for portable jobsite, on the go, when camping or for a battery backup. Just about any car battery will be able to convert DC power into AC power using a sine wave inverter. One of the most important things to selecting sine wave inverters is to choose between the difference of modified sine inverters and pure sine wave inverters. Each one of these inverters will be able to convert DC power into AC power but may not be able to provide you with the type of results that you need to power your individual devices. In some older inverters there is also a type of power known as square wave inversion which can be even less reliable when powering some forms of electronics.

Square wave inverters are great for powering extremely simple devices such as power drills and other forms of power tools. It’s not wise to try to power extremely complicated devices such as a television or a laptop as they may simply not work using this form of power and version. Purchasing a square sine units can be done quite cheaply but you may regret it when it comes time to plug-in really elaborate electronic devices.

Modified inverters convert DC to AC power but the voltage tends to rise and fall abruptly. Because the phase angle also changes and sits at 0 V limit for some time for changing the polarity modified sign we’ve inverter power is sometimes unreliable as well when powering extremely complex devices. A modified sine wave inverter is significantly cheaper than a pure sine wave inverter but you may not be able to use it with complex electronic devices and some devices may not even turn on at all.

A pure sine wave inverter is the most reliable form of energy from a power inverter. This type of AC power which is produced from a unit such as this is the most comparable to the kind of power that comes from the electrical grid. These types of inverters are able to change the phase angle as well as polarity instantly as it crosses 0 V. Voltage also climbs and falls smoothly throughout the duration of use meaning that this type of inverter can easily be used to power complicated electronics.

When it comes to buying an inverter for battery backup or for powering electronic devices, it’s always important to get a pure sine wave inverter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Mark_Andrew_Plummer/1113719

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A Comprehensive Overview of Tubular Heater Elements

If you have an application that requires a uniform heat source over a distributed area, then a tubular heater is probably the best heating source of choice. These heaters are flexible in that they can be used for a myriad of different applications. Tubular heaters can be designed in several different dimensions, shapes, and configurations. In fact, they are so versatile that they can be formed into virtually any shape.

Sheath materials and heater shapes

The sheath material of these heaters is selected according to the material to be heated and other specific requirements of an application. Some of the commonly used sheath materials include: 304/316 stainless steel, aluminum, incoloy, steel, copper, and so on. The sheath material also allows the heaters to be precision formed. When precision formed, such heaters can be securely fitted into the milled grooves of many different types of surfaces.

The voltage ratings of such heaters, too, can be designed in keeping with the specifications of your application.

Termination options on tubular heating elements

The terminations on such heaters can be either standard or completely customized. Here too, it is the nature of the application that determines the choice of termination. The commonly used termination options on a tubular heater include a threaded stud terminal, bulkhead fittings, or flexible lead wire. However, if your application is likely to witness exceptionally harsh conditions or high-moisture environments, custom sealed terminals should be chosen to enhance process safety.

With the right design and right terminal choice, tubular heaters provide unmatched efficiency, versatility, and economy in operations.

However, it is very crucial to ensure that these heating elements are designed with a precision fit. This helps optimize the transfer of heat to the working surface. There are several different ways of mounting such heaters-they can be clamped on the edge of a the vessel containing material to be heated, cast into metal, immersed directly into the materials to be heated, and so on.

Uses and applications of tubular heaters

The industrial, commercial, and consumer-based uses of tubular heating elements are many. However, they can be classified into the following major categories:

  • Air heaters: These are commonly used in ovens, radiators, hot air curtains, radiators, and infrared heaters.
  • Immersion heaters: The typical applications of such heaters include boilers, electrical water heaters, dishwashers, washing machines, medical and industrial equipment, sterilizers, coffee machines, and so on.
  • Defrost heaters: Such heaters are widely used in industrial freezers and refrigeration systems, compressors, and for out-door use.
  • Industrial heaters: An industrial tubular heater is commissioned in fields of application such as chemical tanks, steam generators, process air, oil or water, and in industrial ovens or batch ovens.

When selecting a manufacturer for sourcing heaters, it is important to choose a firm that has a long-standing reputation in the market.

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Powder Metallurgy

Powder metallurgy was formerly known as lost art. Not like clay or other stoneware materials, the skills in molding and firing useful and ornamental metallic objects were seldom applied in the early phases of history.

Metal powders like gold, copper and also bronze and many other powdered oxides specifically iron oxide which are used as colors, were utilized for ornamental uses in ceramic objects, used as base in paints and inks and also in cosmetics since the start of history. Powdered gold has been used in illustrating several manuscripts in the early times. The procedure in producing the powdered gold was not known, but it was possible that lots of powder were taken through granulation after the melting of the metal. Low dissolving points as well as resistance to corrosion favored the procedures, particularly in production of gold powder.

The utilization of these fine particles for pigments or decorative purposes is not a real powder metallurgy, since the important features of the current art are the creation of powder and consolidation into the hard form by means of putting force and heat at the warmth below the liquefying point of the main element.

The two principal techniques utilized to shape and consolidate the ceramics or powder metallurgy are sintering and injection of metal molding. Current improvements have possibly done to make use of speedy manufacturing techniques that use metal powder. Due to this method the powder is not sintered but melted so better mechanical power can be attained.

A much broader assortment of products might be attained from powder processing rather than straight alloying of merged materials. In dissolving procedure the “phase rule” can be applied to all untainted and merged elements and firmly dictates the sharing of solid and liquid stages which may exist for particular compositions. Furthermore, the entire body liquefying of starting substances is needed for alloying, hence, commanding annoying element, thermal and suppression limitation on manufacturing. Unluckily, the management of aluminum/iron tiny particles poses principal problems. Other materials that are principally reactive by means of atmospheric oxygen like tin is sintered in unique atmosphere or by means of temporary coatings.

In ceramics or powder metallurgy, it is probable to produce components which would disintegrate or decay. All concerns of solid-liquid stage changes may be overlooked, so powder procedures are more supple than forging, casting or extrusion techniques. Controllable character of products set by the use of several powder technologies including automatic, magnetic and some unconventional characteristics of such substances as spongy solids, aggregates and inter-metallic compounds. Competitive distinctiveness of production procedures can also be regulated strictly.

Products of powder metallurgies at present are used in the broad range of business, from automotive as well as aerospace applications into power apparatus and household appliances. Every year the international awards for powder metallurgy highlight the increasing capabilities of the expertise.

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