Plastic Injection Molding Industry Trends in 2018

According to Global Market Insights Inc., the plastic injection molding industry is one of the “most dynamically evolving businesses in recent times”. The application of plastic injection molding can be found in various industries such as medical, aerospace, automotive, packaging, household appliances, and construction.


Wondering how plastic injection molding works? Let us have a brief look at the overall process. Plastic is melted in the plastic injection molding machine and then injected into a mold under high pressure. The material is then cooled, solidified and released by opening the two halves of the mold. This technique results in a plastic product that has a predetermined and a fixed form.


Given the importance of injection molding to the plastics industry as a whole, it is very important to keep up on the most recent trends. Let us take a look at trends in the injection molding industry.


Replacing Metal Parts with Plastics


Plastic offer numerous advantages when compared to their metal counterparts such as:


  • Lightweight
  • Cost-effective
  • Durability
  • Corrosion resistant
  • Reusability


Due to the benefits that plastics offer, many businesses in the injection molding industry are now replacing metal parts with plastics. The companies that are able to identify niche markets where metal can be replaced with plastics will be well positioned in the market for 2019.


Product Design for Ease of Manufacture


Integrated product design and manufacturing can increase product quality and decrease production costs. Design teams are now working directly with manufacturers throughout the design process. This allows them to design parts that can be manufactured cheaply with a low defect rate and a high degree of efficiency.


Precision Molding


Precision molding is the current trend used to address manufacturing challenges. It allows engineers to quickly address production issues using advanced tools that help to –


  • Simulate mold flow
  • Monitor the injection process
  • Make changes to the process in real-time
  • Send alerts during a malfunction


Computer-Aided Mold Design


With the help of computer-aided mold design, companies can design highly effective and reliable molds resulting in a reduced need for design modifications. They offer numerous benefits such as


  • Accurate than hand-drawn designs.
  • Reduces human error.
  • Modify existing ideas and save time.
  • Automate the manufacturing process.


Sustainability & Energy Efficiency


Due to the rising energy costs combined with an increased corporate interest in sustainability, companies are now focused on being more energy efficient. They are doing this by incorporating plastics in their operations. Plastics are extremely durable and increase the overall functionality of products. They also help in reducing transport weight and fuel consumption, making them environment-friendly and cost-effective.


These trends will help plastic injection molding will continue to play a vital role in the development of products that serve a plethora of industries. We hope the trends mentioned above, provide you with valuable insights and help you in making smart decisions for your business in the year 2.


By the way, if you have requirement of high-quality plastic injection moulding machine, I recommend you to visit Multiplas Enginery Co., Ltd. – they can provide kinds of injection moulding machines to meet your needs. Learn more information, please do not hesitate to contact with Multiplas!


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