Smart Horseshoe Locks: The Future of Bicycle Security

Imagine a lock that not only secures your bike but also connects to your smartphone, tracks its location in real time, and even alerts you if someone tampers with it. The Smart Horseshoe Lock is a game-changing advancement in bicycle security that is changing the way we safeguard our vehicles.

What Makes It “Smart”?

At first glance, the Smart Horseshoe Lock may look like any traditional U-frame lock. But beneath its simple appearance lies cutting-edge technology. These locks come equipped with IoT capabilities, Bluetooth connectivity, GPS tracking systems, and even biometric authentication features like fingerprint scanners. They offer a variety of unlocking options – via a smartphone app, a key in an emergency or an automatic magnetic induction system.

For example, Omni‘s innovative design combines metal and plastic materials for better durability and waterproofing while maintaining comfort during use. Unlike older models, which can feel cold to the touch in the winter or allow water to seep into critical electronic components, these smart locks are built to withstand harsh conditions.

Why Are They Trending?

The rise of the smart horseshoe lock is no accident—it reflects broader trends in urban mobility and technological innovation:

Enhanced Security

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Bike Frame Materials Explained

Impacting important characteristics such as ride quality and feel, a frame is often the defining feature of your favorite bike. So regardless of whether you’re getting stuck into a dream bike build, considering a new ride or are just a sucker for the technical detail, we’ve put together this handy guide to help you better understand the foundation of your bicycle.


Often referred to as the heart of a bike, a frame can be made from either carbon fiber, aluminum, titanium, steel or a combination of these materials. Each bicycle frame material offers a list of differing characteristics that will affect the cost, comfort, weight, stiffness, strength and durability.


It’s worth noting that it’s often how the chosen material is used by the engineers and manufacturers that matters most, and this is something that each brand will typically play with. Before we jump into the details, it’s worth considering the following factors when deciding what material is best for you;


  • Weight: Your bike needs to be strong enough to carry you and any extra luggage you plan on carrying in the form of panniers, racks or mounts. Each material will have different strength properties, fatigue rates and impact resistance but there is always a trade-off between weight and durability. Another aspect of weight to consider is how important having a lightweight bike is to you. For example, if you’re chasing performance advantages than having a light weight bike would be higher on your list.


  • The Purpose of The Bike: If you plan on racing then a stiff, lightweight bike is the ideal choice, narrowing the type of materials to choose from. Conversely, if you are touring or planning a riding adventure that requires long hours in the saddle and the ability to carry items, then durability is the priority and again, narrows the type of material to choose from.


  • The Area You Ride: It may not be apparent that your postcode could influence the type of material your bike is built from, but consider a material like steel that will rust in wet, humid climates. A material like aluminum might be a better choice given the conditions while still providing similar characteristics to steel.


  • How Long You Plan On Having The Bike: All materials will fatigue over time but some faster than others. Steel will rust if not taken care of but is more durable than aluminum over the long term. Carbon fiber and titanium frames have exceptionally high fatigue rates meaning they will last and last and last.


  • Your Budget: Budget is often the biggest factor in choosing a bike and consequently its material. As a generalization, in order of most expensive to least expensive, titanium takes the cake, followed by carbon fiber, aluminum and steel. As always, the tradeoff between what you are willing to spend for what outcome is the key consideration.


To help provide more clarity on the various bike frame materials available, we’ve summarized each material type, its properties, characteristics and more importantly how they translate into ride quality. But, today I only introduce the material part of steel. For more details about other materials, please click here: Bike Exchange




Ah steel, the no fuss workhorse of bike frame materials. Steel was the universal choice of racing bike frames until aluminum appeared in the 1970’s and 1980’s and carbon fiber took over in the 1990’s.


There are two distinct types of steel used in the bicycle industry. The first is high tensile, or otherwise known as ‘Hi-Ten’, this is a cheaper grade steel commonly found in cheaper bikes, especially those from department stores. It offers an incredibility poor strength-weight ratio and so manufacturers will typically use this material in order to hit low price points. By comparison, higher-end steel bikes are likely to use chromoly, or CroMo for short (generally short for chrome molybdenum) steel, which as an alloyed steel offers superior strength properties to Hi-Ten and so can be butted and made thinner/lighter.


Steel is inexpensive, exceptionally durable, highly resistant to fatigue, easily repaired and easy to work with. Unlike carbon fiber and aluminum, damage to a steel bicycle frame is typically easily repaired. Somewhat surprisingly despite its strength, steel offers good levels of compliance thanks to its elastic properties. The downside of steel is that it is prone to oxidization (rust) and carries a weight penalty over other materials.


Touring and adventure bikes are commonly made from steel thanks to the exceptional durability and strength on offer. This enables riders to carry large amounts of luggage without compromising the bikes performance. Steel also features heavily on entry level and recreational bikes where weight isn’t such an important factor.


  • Pros of Steel: Cost and ease to manufacture, strength, durability.


  • Cons of Steel: Weight, corrosion resistance.


How It’s Made


Joining steel tubes together involves similar welding processes to aluminum frames, but further options exist including ‘Brazing’ and the use of lugs. Brazing is similar to TIG welding but uses a ‘filler’ material that is melted and used to join the tubes. The filler material is commonly silver or brass but could be a myriad of other alloys too. Lugs act as connectors at junction points of the frame, creating a sleeve for the tubes to slide into. Prior to constructing the frame, the ends of the steel tubes are precisely cut to fit perfectly into the lugs and brazed together. The use of lugs creates an immensely strong joint, and being an older manufacturing technique carries a side perk of giving a bike a ‘classic’ look.


Steel bicycle frames are perhaps the easiest frames to repair due to the availability of the equipment and supplies, as well as the material’s resistance to repeated heat. For this reason, steel is a great option for commuters, recreational cyclists and touring riders that need a highly durable bike.


If you want to get more information about bike frames, I recommend that you can visit the website of Maxway Cycles Co., Ltd.: Maxway is a leading manufacturer of steel bicycle frames and other kinds of bike frames. The company has built up solid relationship with a lot of steel bicycle frame manufacturers in Taiwan who supply high quality steel bike frame, bicycle frame products at decent prices. For more details, please feel free to send inquiry to them.



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How to Overhaul A Bottom Bracket

How to disassemble, re-grease, reassemble and adjust a cup and cone bottom bracket.


Today we’ll learn how to overhaul and re-grease an adjustable bike bracket. There is something you need to prepare.


  • To remove the cranks you’ll need a crank puller, a 17mm open end wrench and a large adjustable wrench.
  • To overhaul the bottom bracket you’ll need a bottom bracket wrench or a pin spanner, a hooked lock ring wrench, and a 36mm wrench.
  • For re-greasing the bearings you’ll need some cleaning solvent and waterproof grease, a rag, a toothbrush and a small container to clean the bearing cages.




Begin by removing the cranks. Once the cranks are removed, loosen and remove the lock ring on the non-drive or left side of the bike by turning counter-clockwise. Once the locking is removed you should be able to easily loosen and un-thread the bearing race using either a pin spanner or a bicycle bracket wrench.


Now pull the spindle and both bearing cages out of the frame. It’s important to remember which way the spindle came out, as they are directional. The drive side usually has a longer distance from the bearing race to the end of the threads. Wipe off the bearing cages, drop them into the solvent, and let them soak while you use your rag to clean the spindle and both outer bearing races.


Tighten the drive-side bearing race by turning it counter-clockwise with your 36mm wrench. Unless you are replacing the bottom bracket, there is no need to remove it.




Shine a flashlight into your bike bracket shell to inspect the bearing race for pitting and wear. Inspect your other bearing race and then carefully inspect the spindle. Most wear occurs on the spindle’s bearing races. If you see pitting here you should take it to your local bike shop for a replacement.




Now clean both bearing cages with a toothbrush and solvent, and then set them aside to air-dry. These should also be replaced if they are worn or have bent cages.




Apply a layer of grease on both bearing races and cages. A grease gun makes it easy to squirt grease inside the gaps between the bearings. Then place the bearing cages into both races. The rounded side of the cage should be facing down into the bearing race. Seal them in with another layer of grease.




Now insert the spindle the same way you removed it. Wipe off any excess grease that comes out on the spindle. Grease the threads inside the bottom bracket shell, and then slide the outer race and bearing cage onto the spindle. Thread it on all the way clockwise but don’t tighten it. Again you’ll need to wipe off excess grease.




Thread on the lock ring finger-tight. Before adjusting the bottom bracket, first install the drive-side crank arm and tighten it as shown in the crank installation tutorial. This will help us make a proper adjustment. Now hold the inner race firmly with your wrench or spanner and tighten the lock ring. When properly adjusted the spindle should spin smoothly. If it doesn’t, you’ll have to loosen the lock ring, back off the inner race a little bit, and then tighten it again.


Check for play by placing the crank arm close the frame and pushing and pulling it against the frame. There should be no movement. If it feels loose, you’ll have to loosen the lock ring, tighten the inner race a little bit, and then tighten the lock ring again. When the adjustment is correct, install and tightens the left crank arm and you’re done!


Now, have you known how to overhaul a bike bracket? If you are interested in learning more information about bottom bracket and other bicycle parts, try to check out the website of G-MA Engineering Co., Ltd.: There are kinds of high quality bike components at G-MA. Visit its product pages to find you need.



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Fillet Brazing vs. TIG Welding Frame

Brazing, a lower temperature process than welding, uses a bronze rod to create a fillet–a French word for ribbon–pronounced FILL-it (not fill-LAY). It was previously thought higher welding temperatures would ruin good tubing. We now know because welding is faster, the damaging effect of higher temperature is mitigated by shorter heat duration. While disagreements about the relative merits of lower temperature vs. shorter duration continue, a properly fillet-brazed joint will certainly have greater accident “survivability.” For example, if you run into a tree or parked car, a fillet-brazed joint is less likely to fail. Either joint will withstand decades of normal use.


Because the bronze fillet is softer than the steel tubing it joins, a skilled craftsman can sculpt a brazed joint without cutting into the tube. Please note that the quality of this sculpting (or craftsmanship) is highly variable–look for large smooth fillets with compound radii and long feathered edges. Beware of “overbite.” Overbite, a result of hurried or sloppy work, is where part of the steel tube has been carelessly filed away at the edge of the fillet. This creates a stress riser that can lead to frame failure. Unfortunately, overbite is a common flaw found on many fillet brazed frames.


Unavoidable downside of fillet brazing #1: Price.


Because fillet brazed construction requires much more time and skill, the price of a properly fillet brazed tandem frame will be $300-$500 higher. If the price differential is lower, inspect the joints carefully before taking delivery. Because of the price, most bicycle customers choose a TIG welded frame.


Unavoidable downside of fillet brazing #2: Weight.


A filleted joint, like a lugged joint, is slightly heavier than a TIG-welded joint (4oz penalty on a single bike, 12oz penalty on a tandem).


Because a properly fillet brazed frame is the ultimate hallmark of a skilled frame builder, the best reason to buy a fillet-brazed frame is because you value the artistry and can appreciate the builder’s skill.


If you need more information about fillet brazed frame, I can recommend that you can visit the website of MAXWAY Cycles Co., Ltd… The company is specializing in producing kinds of bike frames such as city bike frames, cyclocross bike frames, fillet brazed frame, MTB bicycle frames, trekking bike frame, etc. More details about bicycle frames, please feel free to send inquiry to MAXWAY.



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Tell You 5 Tips to Find the Right Bicycle Shoes

The right bicycle shoes will offer you comfort while unlocking your performance potential


There are many factors to consider when deciding for new bicycle shoes. In this article, I’m going to give you five tips about what to look out for when choosing the right bicycle shoes.


Step #1: Finding The Right Length

Bicycle shoes are not running shoes! In contrast to choosing a running or even walking shoe you do not need extra room in your bicycle shoes. There is no rolling motion of the foot in cycling. You can easily test if the length of your bicycle shoe is appropriate. Just take out the original insole of the shoe you are interested in buying and step on the insole.


The shoe’s length is ideal, if you have three to five millimeters from the front of your big toe to the upper end of the insole. Make sure that your heel is located right at the lower end of the insole when you carry out this test!


Step #2: Checking The Width


Now that you found the right length you should not compromise on the width! The front region of the foot is the widest part of the foot and very sensitive in cycling as this is where the transfer of power from foot to pedal happens. There should not be any unnecessary pressure or space on the sides of the foot.


Step #3: The Fastening System


Moreover, you should take a good look at your shoes fastening system. Buckles and Velcro should not exert any additional pressure. When fastening your shoe the top material of the bicycle shoe should never fold, otherwise this could apply extra pressure points onto your foot. The form of the shoe is likely to suit to your foot if the fastening system is in a middle position when closing the shoe.


Step #4: Heel Support


A good cycling shoe fit provides a secure anchor for your heel. It should never slip, nor there any extra pressure or pain while walking.


Ask a second person to help you to check if the shoe has a good hold for your heel. This person should press the closed shoe to the floor. Now you have to try to raise the heel. If you manage to raise the heel fully or partly out of the shoe, the shoe is not supporting your heel accurately.


Step #5: Your Personal Impression


Finally: Your bicycle shoes should feel completely comfortable. If you feel that the fit is not perfect ask your dealer if there are any alternative brands or fits that would suit your requirements. Apply the four steps as explained above again when trying other shoes.


BEV.INT’L CORP is the manufacturer of specializing in producing kinds of quality bicycle parts and accessories. Their products include bicycle shoes, frame, front forks, bar ends, saddles etc. If you are interested in learning more information about BEV’s bicycle shoes and so on bike accessories, welcome to check out their website and feel free to send inquiries to them.



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Recycling Baler – Why Do You Need One?

Recycling balers are one of the most useful recycling equipment designed in the recent time. As cardboard is extensively used for packaging, a large amount it comes as waste in landfills. Recycling balers help conserve the environment by crushing the cardboard and compacting large amounts into a single are Cardboard Balers which is easy to transport. Cardboard balers are basically equipment in which cardboard is fed. The press installed within the balers helps to compress the cardboard. The compressed bales are tied off before it is released. Two types of balers are largely used – horizontal cardboard baler and vertical cardboard baler.


Why Cardboard Balers are rising in popularity?


Cardboard balers are becoming hugely popular these days as it not only helps conserve environment but also help companies save a huge amount of money. Commercial establishments that are increasingly making use of recycling balers include retail outlets, restaurants, office, convenient stores, warehouses, and pharmacies. Discussed here are some of the major advantages of a cardboard baler.


  • Follow rules and avoid fines

    – To conserve the environment, in many countries Governments have set up rules and regulation for companies regarding waste disposal. It is suggested that the producers of cardboard’s should be responsible for the reprocessing and recycling of cardboards. A fine is imposed on companies who fail to follow such rules. In this regard, cardboard baler helps companies abide by the rules and avoid fines.


  • Help economize on waste disposal

    – Through the use of recycling balers, the recyclable material is compacted significantly. Companies thereby save on the cost of hauling the recyclables. Besides, if a company does not have a recycling facility of its own and decides to sell the recyclables to a recycler, it again stands to make money.


  • Help reduce storage needs

    – As the cardboard’s are compacted through the use of balers, they’ll occupy less space. This means companies would not need to allocate a large amount of space for keeping the baled material. This not only helps companies economize on space, which is a valuable resource but also help safeguard the life of workers through efficient material management.


  • Helps reduce guilt

    – Environment is everybody’s concern. Throwing a large amount of material produces guilt in the minds of sensitive human beings. However, by making use of recycling equipment such as cardboard balers, people experience a feel good factor as they get a feeling that they too are doing their small bit towards environment conservation.


Godswill is the professional manufacturer of recycling equipment. They can offer baling presses machine, cardboard balers, paper baler, recycling balers, and more recycling equipment with high quality and competitive price. If you need more information about recycling balers, welcome to visit their website and feel free to contact with Godswill.


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Selecting for The Best Road Cranksets

Cranks are the crucial levers that turn pedal pressure into propulsion and upgrading this transmission keystone is always a cosmetic and performance temptation. But what do you need to know to arm yourself with the right road crankset – cranks, axle, spider and chainrings – for your bike and riding?


Before you even start thinking about budget or clever design, you need to check which ones will fit your bike. Even though we tried to limit the axle types on test as much as possible, the sheer number of bikes we had to rope into our testing regime to find a home for all the different variants shows it’s no simple task. Even on same diameter axles, different details mean that different brands often need their own specific bearings to work. Adaptors and converters have made things easier recently but different bearing sizes and fitting standards are still a potential minefield so it’s still essential that you double check your chosen crankset will fit your frame before you part with any cash.


Don’t assume that bigger axled cranks are stiffer, either. Overall stiffness is governed by the entire structure, from the chainrings, through the spider and crank then across the axle to the offside crank. While they look fancy, don’t assume that carbon cranks are automatically stiffer than alloy ones either, as both materials use a range of manufacturing methods for a wide spread of results.


Don’t get hung up on weight either – cranksets sit in the most central, lowest point of your bike possible. This makes their weight the least obvious of any component in dynamic or handling terms, and it’s why most pro bikes use torque meters or even extra heavy axles to bulk their weight up to the minimum legal lever. Conversely, a lightweight crank that flexes so much it feels like your feet are bending under your bike is really demoralising when you’re trying to claw your way up a climb.


Key crankset components


Crank length: Cranks – the ‘arms’ – come in different lengths to match different length legs and leverage preferences. The average is 172.5mm but 170 and 175mm cranks are relatively common on complete smaller and larger bikes respectively, and you can get as short as 160mm or as long as 180mm.


Axle: Most road cranksets use an axle permanently fixed to the driveside crank and a left crank that bolts/clamps into place. Some brands still use a separate axle, while Campagnolo uses two half axles that join in the centre on its Ultra Torque designs. Most come with 24mm steel axles or 30mm alloy ones.


Spider: The four or five-arm piece that connects chainrings to axle. Some are moulded into the arms, some made separately but permanently attached, others are removable. Standard (53/39) chainrings generally have a 130mm bolt circle diameter (BCD – the fitting pattern for the rings), compact (50/34) 110mm.


Chainrings: Most chainrings are made from a single-piece reinforced disc with teeth cut into the edge. In many cases brands are interchangeable or replaceable with aftermarket options. Shimano’s ‘blended’ chainring/spider design demands specific replacements to keep aesthetic and functional form.


Material: Solid forged alloy cranks are the cheapest option but generally the heaviest. Drilled or hollow moulded alloy cranks then follow in the fashion (but not necessarily function) hierarchy. Carbon wraps on alloy armatures look good but don’t always perform well and even ‘full’ carbon cranks have to use alloy pedal and axle interfaces.


Bearings: As well as different axle diameters, different bearing shoulder dimensions mean most cranks will only run in bearings from the same brand or specific aftermarket options, though converters are reducing the number of ‘impossible’ combinations. None of our test cranks obviously lost spin smoothness during our test period.


G-MA Engineering Co., Ltd. is the professional road crankset manufacturer in the industry. If you need more information about these high quality bicycle parts, welcome to visit the website of G-MA to see what excellent bike components we can offer you!


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Cassette Sprocket Buying Guide

What is a bicycle cassette?

A bicycle cassette is the cluster of sprockets on your bike. The cassette is normally situated on the rear hub of your bike; slotting onto a freehub body, and held firmly in place with a threaded cassette lockring. Depending on the ‘speed’ of your bike, your cassette could have anything between a 5 and 12 sprocket; most modern bicycle drivetrains utilize either 9, 10 or 11 speed cassettes.


Why are cassettes important?

Cassette sprockets provide you with a range of gearing options that your chain can run on. The range of gear ratios allows you to vary your pedaling cadence (revolutions per minute), to achieve optimum efficiency.


Running your chain on one of the larger sprockets (more teeth) on the cassette will provide an “easier” gear; letting you turn your legs faster. Running your chain on a sprocket with a lower number of teeth, will allow you to keep pushing power through your drivetrain, without “spinning out” (pedaling at an uncomfortably high number of revolutions) on a downhill section or sprint. A good range of gears on your cassette, therefore allows you to select the optimal gear to use; to keep your pedaling as smooth and as fluid as possible.


How do you choose the right cassette sprocket for your bike?

The choice of a cassette sprocket can appear overwhelming at first glance. There are different combinations of sprockets, to suit different tastes and terrains; with a significant difference between the cassettes you would use for a triathlon bike, compared to a mountain bike cassette.


The main thing to consider is the spread of gears on the cassette sprocket. The closer the highest and lowest number of teeth is, the smaller the jump between gears; facilitating a smoother gear change. However, having closer geared sprockets will normally decrease the size of the largest sprocket on the cassette; leaving you with a gear ratio that may be less suited to climbing and tough terrain.


G-MA Engineering Co., Ltd. provides wide range of bicycle parts for clients. Cassette sprocket, bike seat post, MTB crankset, and so on titanium bike parts all can be found on our website. If you are interested in G-MA’s cassette sprocket or other products, welcome to browse our website or contact with G-MA directly!



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6 Things You Might Not Know About Your Bike Chain

The chain is one of the most important bicycle parts in a bicycle, but it’s often overlooked. When it’s working properly, you don’t even realize it’s there—but when it’s not, it’s probably the only thing you think about.


We rounded up six things you might not know about bike chains to help you get the most out this crucial drivetrain component, and celebrate just how impressive your loop of metal links really is.


The earliest bikes didn’t have chains (and some still don’t). Most of us are somewhat familiar with the Victorian-era penny-farthing bikes. If you take a close look, you’ll notice that they don’t’ have chains. To move forward, cyclists turned pedals attached directly to the front wheel, and could only increase their speed by pedaling faster or getting a larger front wheel. Those bikes might look fun to ride (at least for a bit), but falling off one definitely hurt—especially in an era before helmets.


Some bikes still forego chains in favor of Gates Carbon belt drives (which look a bit like tank treads), or even more rarely, shaft-drive systems.


Chains are more complicated than you might expect. With up to 116 links in a standard bike chain, it has more moving parts than any other bike component. Of course, you’ll need to remove some links depending on whether you’re riding a nine-, 10-, or 11-speed drivetrain; your chain should be long enough that it can be shifted onto the largest front chainring and the largest cog on your cassette without jamming, but not so long that it has too much slack in the smallest chainring and cog. The quickest and easiest way to figure out the proper length for your bike is to use your old chain as a guide.


It can be used as a weapon. In 1954, a Scottish man was sentenced to three years in prison for assaulting a Glasgow movie theater manager with, you guessed it, a bicycle chain. Across the internet, you can find accounts of bike chains used as de facto whips or weapons. So if your bike breaks down in the middle of the zombie apocalypse, and you have a chain tool in your saddlebag, you at least have a fighting chance.


How you ride affects the life of your chain. Riding at a high cadence is typically not only more efficient, but also cost effective. Pedaling in a tougher gear puts more stress on the chain, significantly shortening its lifespan. Also, avoid cross-chaining—the practice of using the small chainring and small cog in the rear, or large chainring and large cog in the rear—if you don’t want to stretch out your chain.


Replacing your chain regularly can prolong the life of your drivetrain. Most mechanics agree that you should replace your chain about every 2,000 to 3,000 miles, depending on your riding style. Many Tour De France riders wear out two or even three chains on their primary bike over the course of the three-week race.


The easiest way to determine if you need a new chain is to use a chain-checker, which measures how badly your current chain has stretched. Although a properly maintained chain can technically last nearly 8,000 miles, it becomes much less efficient as it wears and elongates, says Jason Smith of Colorado-based research firm Friction Facts, with two watts of lost power for every one percent of elongation.


What’s more, the gritty grunge that sticks to your chain lube acts as a grinding paste, causing the pins and rollers to wear down. According to Smith, these increases the center-to-center distance of your chain, and this chain stretch will wear out your gears prematurely. So instead of paying $50 for a new chain, you’ll end up paying $300 or more for a new chain, chain ring, and cassette.


You. Must. Clean. Your. Chain. To keep a chain in optimum shape, you need to clean it often. Every pro and amateur wrench has their preferred method. For instance, Park Tool master mechanic Calvin Jones uses Park Tool’s Chain Gang filled with the company’s degreaser every time he cleans, while Josh Simonds (the creator of NixFrixshun chain lube) suggests simply wiping down the chain with a clean cotton rag after every ride; when the chain eventually becomes overwhelmed with contamination, Simonds says, use a nylon brush to scrub it with hot water and Dawn liquid soap. If it’s really filthy, take your bike into your local shop for an ultrasonic cleaning, or take off the chain and shake it around in a Gatorade bottle filled with degreaser.


After the chain is clean, be sure to dry and lube it, wiping away any excess.


BEV.INT’L Corp is the manufacturer of specializing in producing durable and high quality bicycle part and accessories. All of our bicycle parts are manufactured using the industry’s most advanced techniques and under a strict quality-control program. We are proud to specialize in carbon composite manufacture and have significant in-house R&D experience. Learn more information about bicycle part series, please take some time to review our current bicycle parts products. Give us an opportunity to make BEV become your new favorite bike parts and accessories manufacturer!


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The Advantages of Using an Adjustable Seatpost with Your Cycle

One of the most highly demanded and a favored product by cyclists around the world is the adjustable bicycle seatpost. In the past, cyclists relied on fixed seatposts, where the height of the seat could only be increased or decreased by adjusting the seatpost clamp through the manual operation of wrenches. But, the use of it has brought a sort of revolution in the world of cycling. Only a simple push of a remote button switch mounted around the handle that is connected by a wire enable riders to increase or decrease the height of the seat, even while riding. Also known as a dropper seatpost, the innovative product is steadily winning the hearts of cycling enthusiasts.


Easy to Fit in Your Cycle


Riders do not need to buy a new special model of cycle so as to put a new adjustable seatpost. Manufacturers commonly produce adjustable seatposts in the BMX industry standard outer diameter of 27.2mm, making it usable across several varieties of bicycles. Adjustable seatpost with outer diameters of 30.4mm, 30.9mm and 31.6mm are also widely available in the markets.


Unparalleled Comfort


Different seating positions are required for easy maneuvering of the cycles across different terrains. All cyclists must have experienced that the position which would seem to be absolutely comfortable on a straight road could be really be hard around difficult uphill or downhill terrain. But being able to control the size of the seat with an adjustable seatpost, offers riders the flexibility to comfortably navigate across different terrains.


Higher Efficiency and Stability While Riding


When the adjustable seatpost is up, pedaling becomes more efficient as cyclists can use the whole range of motion of their leg muscles. When the trail points downhill, dropping the seat allow cyclists to lower their center of gravity, in turn providing more riding stability. Thus, the rider has the freedom to choose the best seating position, based on their need to either ride faster or roll comfortably. All ‘Tour de France’ riders use adjustable seatpost with their cycles because of this very reason.


Different Variations Available in the Market


Several manufacturers currently produce different variants of adjustable bicycle seatposts based on different technologies. The most advanced as well as costly versions are operated by hydraulics. Similarly, there are also seatposts that are operated by air pressure. But the most commonly available ones are spring based variations. Hydraulics and air pressure operated seatposts require higher maintenance and are vulnerable to leaks, while spring operated versions often last longer and are easier plus cheaper to maintain.


Buy the Adjustable Bicycle Seatpost That Gives You the Best Value


Whether you are an urban rider or an adventurous mountain bike rider, seek the dropper seatpost that provides you the best value. Choose a product that is comfortable to use but isn’t too expensive to buy and maintain either. Spring operated versions could be one of the better choices. However, in case of heavy duty mountain bike riding getting a hydraulic version can be worth it as well.


G-MA Engineering Co., Ltd. is the leading and professional titanium bike parts manufacturer in the industry. If you are interested in learning more information about bicycle seatpost and other bike parts series, welcome to visit the website of G-MA to obtain further details. Any questions you have are also welcome to contact with us.



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